The Limited Times

The department of Seine-et-Marne targeted by a cyberattack

11/8/2022, 3:01:43 PM

A month after the department of Seine-Maritime, that of Seine-et-Marne is in turn targeted by a “large-scale” cyberattack paralyzing...

A month after the department of Seine-Maritime, that of Seine-et-Marne is in turn targeted by a “


” cyberattack paralyzing its IT services since Sunday, the community announced on Tuesday.

Since this Sunday, November 6, the Department of Seine-et-Marne has suffered a major computer attack.

Digital services are no longer operational

,” the department said in a statement posted on Twitter.

A first phase of identifying corrupted systems is currently underway to assess the damage, limit the consequences of this attack and restore our ability to act.

The community was forced to cut its networks in order to protect the data and isolate its information system

, ”adds the press release.

Read alsoDisinformation, cyber-attacks: the new world war

No ransom has been requested for the time being, said the department requested by AFP, stating that it had filed a complaint in Melun.

The 14 Departmental Solidarity Houses (MDS) and the 5,000 territorial agents are affected.

The teams estimate a full return to normal within six weeks.


The objective of the president (Jean-François Parigi, editor's note) is that the Seine-et-marnais and especially those in difficulty accompanied on a daily basis by the services of the department are the least affected by this cyberattack

", added the department.

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The departmental council is notably responsible for paying the allowance for disabled adults (AAH), the RSA (active solidarity income) and the personalized autonomy allowance (Apa).

Citizens and partners are called upon to reach their usual contacts on their mobile phones, e-mails and landlines being inaccessible.

The department is added to the list of local entities affected in recent weeks by computer attacks, after the Corbeil-Essonnes hospital in August, the city of Caen at the end of September and the department of Seine-Maritime in October.

In Essonne, a ransom of 10 million dollars, then reduced to one or two million dollars, according to the sources, had been requested from the hospital center.

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