The Limited Times

A1 and Railways blocked November 20 for residual deferred

11/9/2022, 6:50:40 PM

Italy again divided in two Sunday 20 November to allow the deferral operations and shine of a 500 -pound plane bomb, US manufacture, a war residual of the Second World War, found in Cico ... (ANSA)

(ANSA) - Orvieto (Terni), 09 Nov - Italy again Divisain two on Sunday 20 November to secure the operations of defuse and brilliant of a plane bomb from500 pounds, of US manufacture, war residue of the year World War, found in the locality Ciconia Diorvieto during the work of accommodation of the river river river.

    In a note from the municipality of Orvieto we read that the Sun Highway will be unrealized in the stretch between Orte and Valdichianacon mandatory exits to the two toll booths.

    Railway traffic will also be interrupted along direct lamina and on the slow one.

    What was decided in a coordination meeting convened by the Prefecture of Terni with institutions, entities, law enforcement agencies concerned was at the center of a comparison between Ilsindaco of Orvieto, Roberta Tardani, and the Civil Protection Manager Luca Gnagnarini.

    The safety of the residual disengagement provides for the safety area with a radius of 826 meters.

It has been estimated about 2,300 people who will have to evacuate the inhabited centers of Ciconia and Orvieto Scalo.

    At the Piazzale della Stadio "Luigi Muzi" in Lasvolva the Civil Protection of the Municipality of Orvieto will set up reception area for the population.

    According to the indications that emerged from the table in the Prefecture - Silenge in a note from the Municipality -, from 7 to 9 there will be the evacuation of the residents, while from 9 to 13 there is an intervention of defuse of the bomb which will be poiskly made shine in a quarry.

    The operations were entrusted to the Genioferrovieri regiment of Castel Maggiore.