The Limited Times

Biden: “It has been a good day for democracy and for the United States”

11/9/2022, 9:50:02 PM

The president highlights that the Democrats have achieved one of the best results of a government party in many years

Joe Biden has appeared happy and smiling this Wednesday after the legislative elections on Tuesday.

“It has been a good day for democracy and a good day for democracy”, he began his intervention.

The president of the United States has highlighted that, although the complete results are not yet known, the data point to one of the best for a government party in midterm elections.

"Although the press and experts predicted a red wave, it has not occurred.",

Biden has also stressed that the day unfolded normally, in a triumph for democracy.

"Our democracy has been put to the test in recent years, but with their votes the American people have spoken and have shown once again that democracy is what we are," he said in the introduction to the press conference, in the who has been accompanied by the first lady, Jill Biden, sitting a few steps from the president.

“States across the country saw record voter turnout and the heart and soul of our democracy, the voters, the poll workers, the election officials, did their job and did their duty and seemingly without Not much interference at all, no interference at all, it seems, and that's a legacy, I think, to the American people."

He has also acknowledged that voters are frustrated by inflation and other problems and that he has gotten the message: "I got it," he said.

But he has added in response to subsequent questions that he does not intend to change the course of his government at all, but rather to continue insisting on measures such as the ones he has taken.

Biden has recognized that each seat lost is painful, but that he has not lost hope yet: "It will be very tight."

The results [whose evolution you can follow here live] show the Republican Party in a position to conquer the House of Representatives, but with a narrow margin and with nothing completely closed.

In the Senate, Democrats have a chance of keeping control, although the decisive seat is likely to be pending in a runoff in Georgia in December.

Democratic resistance has been greater than expected.

Biden has indicated that he plans to speak this Wednesday with Republican Kevin McCarthy, who is emerging as the next president of the House of Representatives.

Biden, accustomed to negotiations in the Capitol, seat of the United States Congress, will now have to fight to get his proposals forward.

The president has indicated that the intentions of some Republicans to prosecute him politically through an impeachment in revenge for those suffered by Donald Trump, his predecessor, seem "almost comedy".

[Breaking news.

There will be an update soon]

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