The Limited Times

Choice of players, game system, ambitions… What to remember from Deschamps' explanations

11/9/2022, 9:20:31 PM

The coach of the Blues deciphered his choices in front of the media on Wednesday evening for the World Cup.

Why a list of 25 players:

I consider that we have enough security to participate in this competition.

If I thought 24 would have been enough, I would have.

Afterwards, I suspect that you will go into special cases, but if I put the players in the list, it is because they are supposed to be fit for the first match.

I will remind you of the rules, the list will be formalized and locked Monday, November 14 at 7 p.m. at Fifa but with the possibility, if there are injuries, to change the players until D-1 of our first match.


To discover

  • The complete 2022 World Cup match schedule

Not the simplest list since taking office in 2012:

What are the best conditions?

In 2018?

In 2021 we were the most beautiful and the strongest and we didn't even have to enter the field to win the matches.

There are difficulties, there are two absentees in weight with Pogba and Kanté, it's a loss, obviously.

We are in a difficult, complicated situation for all the teams.

Are we more affected than others?

Everyone will have their own interpretation.

I have confidence in this group and I'm sure they will do everything to fight.

It's the biggest competition in the world, we'll have to go all out.

And we will be there.

The staff have been there for a while.

We have a status, OK but that does not give us a guarantee.


Read alsoWorld Cup: the Blues at 25 in Qatar, with Giroud and Veretout but without Clauss and Maignan

Benzema's state of form, package for the last matches with Real Madrid:

Karim did not take any risks.

Afterwards, I don't put myself between what is said or what is declared between the parties.

I spoke with him to get the ins and outs.

Obviously, if he is not on the field, it is because he has a small problem.

The medical staff have exchanged and there is no concern.

There are those who play too much and the others.

He had two small physical problems to manage, compared to what a World Cup represents, he is vigilant.

Knowing him, he's not someone who's going to stay on a treatment table.

He is not on the field because there is no risk to take.

I have no worries about next week.

No return is negative on his physique.


Return to a four-man defence:

Yes, it will be four defenders, there is no doubt.

I haven't only used a three-way system for a year.

The option is not a three-man but four-man defense by roster structure.

It's a long reflection, after analyzing what we have done in recent months.

We discussed with the staff and some players, it fed my thinking.

We did some very good things together, but we also struggled.

We were very often out of balance and I know too well that to exist in a big competition, it will not make us win, but if you are not solid defensively... You will have to defend better and well, not to the detriment offensive animation.

I am convinced that it is better and more suitable.

The summons of Olivier Giroud?

It's been done for quite a while.

Didier Deschamps

Giroud's summons:

Did I say he wouldn't go if Benzema was there?


I said that the players have a status.

I have an important word, it is to adapt.

This is not contradicting oneself, it is taking into account the reality of the moment.

I haven't changed in my head, but through the discussions with Olivier and the other players, elements on and off the pitch lead me to reflect.

If I make this choice today, it is because I have confidence in Olivier and because the current situation is not the same as in the summer of 2021 (after the Euro).

For various reasons, it's been done for a long time.


His management of disappointments:

I made a lot of disappointments, players are unhappy, and will not be at the World Cup.

There, the 25 are all very happy, but on November 22 (against Australia), they will not all start.

This will always be the case, we don't want to lose anyone, our objective is to concern everyone.

At least they will all be on the score sheet unlike the Euro where three had to go to the stands.


World Cup: the 25 Blues in pictures

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