The Limited Times

Cruise in the middle of life: there is a possibility that you will become addicted to this pleasure Israel today

11/9/2022, 9:02:07 PM

I never saw myself as a type of cruise, certainly not of the "all inclusive" type • But the boy wanted to fulfill a dream, the date was right - and suddenly I found myself on a boat in the port of Haifa • A few hours later, when the lights of the city flickered in the distance and on the deck next to me a pizzou with cocktails in hand - I was surrounded by a calmness that I did not find in any other setting • I was on a cruise - and it was rather wonderful

"There's a good chance you'll get hooked," several people who heard that I booked cruise tickets told me.

"You don't know me," I answered them in my heart.

What about me and Cruz?

I need two nights in a hotel in Israel, preferably one of the smaller ones.

B&B is better.

And that too on the condition that at any given moment you can get into the car and run away when you say Omer Adam by the pool.

I'm not one of the "legend-do-do" people, in short.

But as they say - and it's the truth this time - the boy ran.

Rather, fantasy.

For several months he has been dreaming of a port, a ship, waves, sailing, a captain.

Captain Coconut.

And he is 6 years old. So I said - actually, why not.

for the adventure.

we are at sea

I found out pretty quickly that I was not a unique snowflake.

The cruise scene in Israel is growing rapidly, judging by the buzzing forums on the net, the abundance of videos and content on YouTube, and even the 50 or so episodes of the "Cruise Talk" podcast - which is a must-listen for addicts.

It is led by Zohar Rom, who manages the cruise department at Haifa Port.

"Not only do the Israelis fly to Barcelona or Miami to board a cruise," he tells me, "but also more and more are interested in the option that does not include a flight, that is, leaving and returning to Israel."

In October, a record of 85,000 passengers passed through Haifa Port, almost 60,000 of whom started or ended their journey in Israel.

In an annual calculation, we will soon reach 270,000 passengers who will pass through Haifa port this year, and another 100,000 tourists whose ship will dock here for a day or two and continue to the next stop.

So I was looking for a fast cruise, round trip and push - it doesn't matter where.

The main thing, as mentioned, is the sailing experience.

for the child

And in the relevant time window for me, the break fell on a short cruise to Cyprus aboard the "Rhapsody of the Seas" of the Royal Caribbean company.

It could equally well have been the "Crown Iris" of the Israeli Manu Shipping, or the "Lyrica" ​​of the Italian MSC.

These are, more or less, the three main options for lines leaving from Haifa and back.

What was decisive, as mentioned, was the date.

Not the number of pools and jacuzzis, not the type of music on board, not the reviews of the dining rooms, not the reviews of the entertainment shows and certainly not the satisfaction with the casino.

On the contrary, the more I rummaged through the nets and went through the reviews to understand where exactly I was entering and if I chose the successful option, the deeper the fear that I had fallen into the tourist nightmare of my life.

Or as Yoav Itiel wrote in "Walla!": "The whole thing feels more like an Eilat or Tiberiani hotel by the sea, than a weekend in Europe." Everything that is bad in the "all-inclusive" culture. Have mercy on me. And we haven't even talked about the fear of seasickness . It was already too late. The cruise was ordered, the credit was charged, and Grandpa decided to join too. This is for the child, I held my own. A little courage.

First time at sea?

Friday morning, the suitcase is packed, a backpack with an easy change of clothes and a copy of "Something Seemingly Fun I'll Never Go Back" (David Foster Wallace), which I got from a friend with a penchant for irony.

The boy - his name is Rani, very pleasant - is already very excited.

We are ready to go through.

The ship will leave Haifa port at 18:00.

What is important to know is that all the skills you have acquired in the world of flights - and especially arrival times and check-in procedures - are not relevant to a cruise.

And this is mainly related to the fact that unlike a flight, from the moment you get on the ship - you are an active tourist on vacation, so it is possible, allowed and desirable to arrive early.

We scheduled check-in in advance for 13:00, but it turned out that at 12:00 we were already dropped off under the entrance bridge to Haifa Port.

It's not a very inviting environment, so we preferred to try our luck and get in early.

How Israeli of us.

The process begins by handing over the luggage in the parking area.

A five-minute queue - and you are free as a sparrow from the barbell and are allowed to enter the port gates.

Fulfilling a dream on the sea.

Eitan and Rani Orkibi on board, photo: Yossi Orkibi

And for those who have never done it - this is an experience in itself, especially for the first time.

It is a bit old, this part of the Haifa port, and you can see it on it.

You have to go up and down concrete bridges, cross an asphalt surface, and the passenger terminal is basically a hangar that has been temporarily converted into a check-in hall, border control and duty free.

There will be no problem getting a shuttle service if you have difficulty walking.

Next season, border control positions - which are missing - and escalators will be added.

In the longer term, a modern terminal will also be built.

But even so, as it is, it is effective and enlightening, and also a little exciting.

Especially for those who like the retro atmosphere, like me.

We arrived at the height of the rush - and in just 15 minutes we were already after the reception chain and stopping at the bathroom, walking out of the shaded hangar to the sunny platform from where we climbed onto the ship's dock.

Then it was revealed to our eyes in all its shining glory, white, pure and majestic: the "Rhapsody of the Seas".

Not the newest, and certainly not the largest in Royal Caribbean's fleet, in an industry that is moving more and more towards giant ships.

But in local terms - this is a pulsating Barbara, certainly when you walk at its feet along the platform.

A type of experience that no longer exists in modern terminals, because you enter through sleeves directly to the main deck.

Anyone who wants to, is welcome to stop and take a picture.

Those who are thirsty will receive a glass of cold drink from the ship's crew, who are spread out along the platform to greet you with a smile.

And this is something that cannot be emphasized too much: they will not stop smiling at you.

From the moment you cross the small culvert to the entrance - that smile never leaves their faces.

The lights of Haifa

So we are inside, with the smell of fuel and salt in our nostrils and cheers of excitement in our ears.

The metal and grease are replaced by elegant carpets and wood paneling on the walls.

There is something old-fashioned - in the best sense of the word - about the design of this ship.

An elevator takes us from the 1st floor to the 5th floor, which functions as a kind of lobby.

There we will be required to go through a short safety training, and if necessary - we can make some final arrangements, such as a surfing package or beach tours.

This is considered an international cruise, so everything is conducted in English - although at each service station you will find a staff member who will translate into Hebrew.

In any case, they will tell you, there is no rush, everything can be arranged later.

Tomorrow too.

So there are still five hours until sailing.

What are we doing in the meantime?

"Go explore the ship!", one of the smiling faces told me.

This is what we will do.

Armed with a blue card, which is both the key to the room and our ID card on the ship, we began a circuitous tour of the outer deck of the 5th floor, which quickly became my favorite place on the entire ship, precisely because it is quiet and has nothing on it - except for a few sunbeds.

A wooden deck below, lifeboats above, and beyond the railing - the sea and the harbor, as I have never seen.

Bring binoculars, because all the activity buzzing around can be fascinating, especially for children: wandering router boats, cranes unloading cargo ships and beautiful Haifa.

Pleasure on the sea, photo: Yossi Orakibi

Earlier than expected, they announced in an announcement that the rooms on the 7th floor were ready.

You have to get used to the terminology of sailors: stateroom.



Smiling faces directed us through the maze of corridors.

And since I was afraid of claustrophobia and seasickness - I insisted on a room with a balcony.

More expensive - but not in the sky.

Spacious and bright, extremely clean, and above all - with a balcony.

Room 7070. The grandfather lived in the next room, and we could talk across the balcony partition.

The suitcase hadn't arrived yet, so there was nothing to unpack in the meantime.

We left our backpack on the sofa and immediately went up to the 9th floor, where all the action should be: the pool and wading, the bar, the spa, the ice cream and coffee machines and the upper dining hall.

It's lunch time, the buffet is open - so why not, really?

We are on vacation!

We found a table near the large showcase, and indulged ourselves.

Not bad at all, by the way.

And here - this smile, which offers you a slice of this, another spoonful of that, and another pour of that.

We'll see you again, Buffa.

We haven't tasted it yet

Armed with drinking glasses, we went up to the high deck, floor 10 - where you can find plenty of quiet corners and comfortable chairs.

There is a running track that surrounds the ship, and at the end there is also a climbing wall, for the fans of the sport.

When we got to the forward vantage point from where you could look out over the bow, we met a few more of those smiling faces, this time in blue and white overalls, who were busy rolling cables in the antenna area.

A bit like flying, the operation of the crew members and equipment is an attraction in itself.

We stared at them for a little while, and without noticing - the clock showed 16:00 already.

On the way down we stopped once more at the buffet - as if for dessert - but the smiling faces will testify that there was also a salad and some hot side dish that we didn't taste on the previous visit.

Recite with me: why not, actually?

We are on vacation!

Barbora Mipaima, photo: Yossi Orakibi

Satisfied and good-hearted, we went down to the main lobby to investigate what was going on in the main atrium, which at this point was bustling and a bit crowded.

About 1,800 passengers finish boarding, and it starts to be felt.

We wandered through the intricate alleys of Rhapsody.

We took a look at the central dining room: a grand piano in the center, round tables, white tablecloths, soft chairs.

It is advisable to come here after showering, dressed and perfumed, ready to receive service from a personal waiter - with a smiling face, of course - who will serve you, at the time and at the table you set in advance, an official dinner.

Another vision for the time.

We are still in the stage of curious wandering inside this floating city, and on the 4th to 6th floors you will find no less than a lounge bar, an American grill restaurant, a dance hall, a shopping area, a cafe with the sweet name "latte-tod", an ice cream parlor, an art gallery and a large performance theater.

Somewhere up there is also a Japanese restaurant.

At this point, the luggage was already waiting for us, and it was possible to go to the rooms to freshen up.

Washed and refreshed, we went back up to the upper deck to watch the ship leave the harbor.

Slowly the white swan maneuvered and moved away from the platform.

The horn blew, and we are almost out of the port, refusing to take our eyes off the sparkling lights of Haifa.

More or less then we started to feel that the smile does not leave our faces either.

With the breeze, the waves, the drinking glass in hand, and the endless sea, and the lights of Haifa that are getting further and further away - and this sign on the mobile phone screen that shows that there is no more reception.

We are at sea.

In the pool area, a "coming out" party has started, and all guests are invited.

It was the first - and last - time I heard Omar Adam here.

one song

"Tel Aviv, Ya Habibi, Tel Aviv".

Cocktail trays, smiling faces - on duty and off duty - lots of colored lights, and one excited boy who starts to fumble between his legs.

Slowly this ship and its abundance of smiling faces peeled off layer after layer of cynicism and snobbery, and here I am too moving to the sounds of a Jamaican band with dreadlocks and Hawaiian shirts that started playing next to the ice cream machine.

And the time is 19:00 in total.

Have I fallen in love with you, Rhapsody of the Seas?

Goodbye, Limassol

The excitement got the better of us early.

We grabbed another quick bite at the buffet (why not? We're on vacation!), and gave up dinner in the main dining hall.

We also skipped a show.

Under our feet we felt the waves of the sea.

But not only did it not disturb, it was even pleasant.

We went back to the room, to the balcony, with drinks and board games, and fell asleep with the window open.

When we woke up, the Rhapsody was already sailing, proud and peaceful, along the coast of Cyprus.

It was maybe 6:00 or 7:00 in the morning when we went up to the upper deck.

Experienced travelers from us were already there, with cups of coffee and warm croissants prepared by the smiling faces for the morning birds.

Limassol looked calm and sleepy from a distance, and after two or three hours we discovered that it was calm and sleepy up close as well.

It is a special experience to get off a ship in a foreign city and walk around it for a few hours.

And Limassol fits exactly that: it doesn't have too many attractions, nothing to chase after.

Another taste from the buffet,

In the afternoon we were already back on the ship, this time with swimsuits in the pool and wading area, which were quite free.

The smiling faces moved here and there with drinking glasses, ice cream cones and towels.

You can also take everything by yourself.

After a short shower we approached the railing on deck 5 to once again experience leaving the port.

A cute young couple explained to us that three passengers had not returned from the city, and had already prepared their passports to hand over to the Cyprus Border Police.

The ship may sail without them if they are too late.

A little after 18:00, the drama ended with big smiles - and the limited audience that watched what was happening on the platform from deck 5 waved goodbye to the local team.

And they waved back.

Goodbye, Limassol.

Tonight, we decided - we'll go all out: a show at the Broadway Hall, then dinner in the main dining room.

Dressed and festive, we took a place in the stands, and applauded a pair of Ukrainian acrobats who performed dance exercises on a rope.

We didn't watch until the end, because it was time for dinner.

A smiling face led us to a table that was waiting for us, where we could choose starters and main courses from a rich but not excessive menu.

French onion soup, Italian pasta, New York steak.

Fragrances of perfume, soft piano sounds in the background, and quite a few glasses of champagne and white wine.

It does not look or feel like the lobby of a Tiberini or Eilat hotel, although not all Israelis adhere to the dress code.

Flip flops and shorts - I did not see.

Jeans and sandals - yes.

In the spring she will come back

We spent the whole day the next day at the sea, and at this point we already knew the names of some of the smiling faces - and they were Rani's.

They also already remembered which drink he would ask for (cola) and which ice cream (chocolate).

Somehow, from all the attractions and activities around the ship, such as a video game room, a children's area, an open cinema and live music - we spent the last afternoon deep into the evening on deck 10 in the bow area, in a shuffleboard tournament, a disc game adapted to the deck, with two lovely sisters from a seat in the area Netanya

No one wanted to disconnect from the silence and the wind of the sea.

Don't need more than that.

I didn't even take Wallace's "Apparently Fun Something" out of the bag at the end.

Early in the morning the Rhapsody entered the port of Haifa, and anyone who was awake could follow Israel's coastline with a glance.

We did the packing the night before.

You can leave your suitcase outside the room, and it will be waiting at the exit from Haifa port.

In the morning there was still enough time for a long coffee on board, a last buffet breakfast (why not? Technically, we're still on vacation!), two or three rounds on deck 5 - and polite loudspeakers informed us that it was time to leave the Rhapsody for the last time.

We went down to the 1st floor, said goodbye to the smiling faces, crossed the gate and stepped on the warm asphalt of the platform.

The port of Haifa was also convenient and efficient this time.

In less than 15 minutes we were already at the train station, on its platforms, among the buildings, you could see here and there white pieces of swans blocking the horizon.

She is so big.

This was the last voyage of the Rhapsody for this season in our region, known in the industry as the "Eastern Mediterranean".

Like a migrating bird she now sails to Barcelona, ​​and will spend the winter in the warm Caribbean.

We will still wait for her, we will wait and see that in the spring she will come back.

Or one of her sisters.

There's a good chance you'll get addicted.

were we wrong

We will fix it!

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