The Limited Times

EU to try to pass new sanctions on Iran next week, Berlin says

11/9/2022, 8:50:12 PM

The European Union will try next week to adopt new sanctions against Iran in response to the crackdown on protest...

The European Union will try to adopt new sanctions against Iran next week in response to the crackdown on the protest sparked by the death in custody of a young woman, said Wednesday, November 9, 2022 the German Minister of Foreign Affairs. foreign.

We are working intensively on the next sanctions package

,” Annalena Baerbock tweeted.

We want to adopt it next week



We won't stop

," she added.


We stand with the men and women of Iran, not just today, but for as long as it takes


European foreign ministers are due to meet in Brussels on Monday.

The EU had already imposed sanctions in mid-October against the Iranian "

morality police

" and 11 senior officials, including the Minister of Telecommunications.

At least 304 dead

Iran has been rocked by protests since the death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian woman of Kurdish origin who died after being arrested in Tehran for breaking the very strict dress code applying to women.

The Iranian authorities' crackdown on rallies that have multiplied across the country since his death has left at least 304 dead, including 41 children and 24 women, according to Iran Human Rights (IHR), an Oslo-based NGO.