The Limited Times

It appears: Kahana's kashrut schedule will be canceled, the alternative - an upgrade Israel today

11/9/2022, 9:14:19 PM

The organization "Hizmoot", which opposed the outline of the outgoing Minister of Religious Affairs, came up with a new plan • Rabbinical supervisors will be granted powers and the system will be digitized • A government company will pay the supervisor - instead of the business

A series of members of Knesset from religious Zionism and Torah Judaism are considering a solution to establish a state kosher system to replace the kosher reform, while preventing a return to the problematic reality that existed before Minister Kahana's outline, Israel Hayom has learned.

This is, among other things, an initiative of the organization "Hizmoot", which opposed the reform throughout the last year and is now proposing an alternative outline that will allow maintaining optimal kosher along with a return to the problems of the existing reform, which is met with widespread ultra-Orthodox and religious opposition.

State kosher system

In the background of the talks to form the government, messages coming out of the emerging coalition parties reveal that the kosher reform that was passed under the hands of the outgoing government will be canceled by them, but so far no other plan has been presented in place of the reform.

Both the ultra-Orthodox parties and the religious Zionists believe that the reform should be canceled, but in retrospect they are well aware that it is not possible to return to the problematic situation before the reform was enacted.

In the organization "Hizmoot", which has been dealing with the issue of kosher for decades, in recent weeks they have been working on an outline for the establishment of a state kosher system, which will prevent a return to the pre-reform situation here, which also needed improvement.

Three levels of kosher

According to the outline of "Hidimyot", three moves that were the basis for the creation of the reform must first be stopped: the introduction of private corporations into kosher supervision, the cancellation of the opening of the supervision areas of religious councils throughout the country, and the stopping of the "three rabbis" standard, the purpose of which was to bypass the chief rabbinate through three city rabbis to provide permission for kosher provision.

After that, a number of steps must be taken that will form the basis for establishing a new kosher system.

Kosher certificate in the restaurant, photo: Yehoshua Yosef

According to "Hizmoot" enforcement powers must first be granted to the inspectors of the Chief Rabbinate, something that does not exist today.

In addition, a kosher standard committee must be established that will determine a number of kosher levels of the rabbinate, according to which the local rabbinates will work to produce a uniform and orderly standard throughout Israel.

According to the proposal of "Hizmoot" a total of three different and supervised kosher levels should be created.

Digital reporting system

According to the plan, the religious councils will go through a process of certification and regulation of the kashrut system, among other things through training courses, mandatory certification for kosher supervisors, and more.

In addition, digitization and maximum transparency must be promoted in the activity of the kashrut system.

The plan is to create a digital reporting system, which will include online tests for kosher supervisors, in order to create oversight and supervision and bring about quality and professional kosher.

In addition, in "Abilities" they propose to establish a government company that will handle the treatment of the "supervisor-overlooker" problem - the situation where today a business owner pays the supervisor's salary, which causes an unhealthy dependency.

The plan is that such a company will transfer significant budgets to the councils, so that they will arrange the payment.

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