The Limited Times

Migrants: the question of the reception of the Ocean Viking embarrasses the executive

11/9/2022, 7:31:59 PM

ANALYSIS - Prisoner of Italy, which remains deaf to its arguments, France demands a functional European mechanism.

Bis repeated.

Almost four years to the day after the



Emmanuel Macron finds himself faced with the arrival of a new ship from Africa.

With 234 migrants on board, the

Ocean Viking

is currently stagnating at the gates of French ports, where it asks to dock urgently, and where it is told to wait until a solution is negotiated.

The affair therefore takes place on two stages: first diplomatic, then political.

As four years ago, the reception of the ship is currently the subject of a virulent showdown between France and Italy, whose government is again led by a nationalist coalition.

For Matteo Salvini yesterday as for Georgia Meloni today, it is therefore a question of pushing Europe to show more solidarity with Rome.

If the president of the Transalpine Council agreed to disembark the women and children, she however refused to welcome the men, referring the decision to Emmanuel Macron.

Which refers to the law...

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