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Opinion The mid-term elections in the US: the results may give Netanyahu room to maneuver | Israel Today

11/9/2022, 9:39:00 PM

Trump's tremendous momentum in his journey back to the White House has stopped • President Biden also came out bruised and limping from the mid-term elections • The result is clear: Benjamin Netanyahu's new government will now be refreshed and have considerable freedom of maneuver to maximize the benefits inherent in this leadership slackness

While these lines are being written, one fact is becoming clearer, although still not with absolute certainty: the Republican Party - which until now has been the minority party in the House of Representatives - is likely to become (following the "middle of the road" elections, which took place yesterday) the majority party in the House, albeit narrowly multi.

This will also expand the margin of maneuver that will be granted to her in her activity.

This, in order to restrict the steps and legislative moves of the Biden administration, to put it in a constant defensive position thanks to its control of the House of Representatives committees, as well as thanks to its ability to delay and even thwart the president's ambitious plans in the fields of climate and environment, infrastructure, education, health and the budget.

He came out bruised and limping from the mid-term elections.

President of the United States Joe Biden, photo: AFP

On the other hand, the battle for control of the Senate has not yet been decided, and it is clear that the overwhelming red wave, which Donald Trump repeatedly announced, did not wash over the continent yesterday.

If the Democratic Party does manage to maintain its minimal advantage in the House, the upheaval that apparently took place yesterday in the House of Representatives, will be nothing more than a "revolution".

For, the continuation of democratic control in the Senate - if indeed it is achieved - will ensure that at least in one fundamental area, shaping the character and portrait of the Supreme Court for many years, the administration will be able to stop the process of turning the institution into a distinct ultra-conservative fortress, with all the value and ideological consequences derived from that.

This is a democratic "victory" with a very limited guarantee, since even this achievement will not prevent the freezing of the legislative process in the House of Representatives (if indeed the Republicans win the premiership in this House).

This, with the real possibility of a paralysis, at least temporarily, of the government's activity and sliding into an era of stagnation and continuous intra-party conflicts.

These conflicts will project great weakness in both the domestic and international space, and will make it very difficult for the US to function as a reliable and powerful power, and project decisive leadership in the face of the challenges at hand.

Trump's tremendous momentum - stopped // Photo: Reuters

However, it is clear that Trump's tremendous momentum in his journey back to the White House came to a halt yesterday.

All of his candidates for the Senate failed, and his party will likely be denied control of the House.

President Biden also came out bruised and limping from the midterm elections.

Indeed, the US's attempt to continue to shape the international environment with a strong and confident hand when the administration's control at home is partial and extremely loose, has been severely damaged.

The result of this is clear: Benjamin Netanyahu's new government will now be refreshed and have considerable freedom of maneuver to maximize the benefits inherent in this leadership slackness.

She will try, therefore, to further strengthen the relationship with the solid and hawkish Republican base, which is committed to Israel.

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