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Research: Is your sentence short? The chances of you going back to prison are lower Israel today

11/9/2022, 9:20:01 PM

In a study carried out by the prison service, it was found: prisoners who have served their full sentence return to prison more often. The reason: the rehabilitation programs better prevent their return to crime.

The rate of prisoners who were released after serving their full sentence and return to prison after their release, is twice as high as the rate of prisoners released on parole.

This is according to data from a study conducted by the prison service and provided to the Knesset's research and information branch, at the request of MK Simon Davidson (Yesh Atid).

According to the data, the rate of those released after a full sentence who return to prison within five years is approximately 39% - almost double the rate of those released on parole who return to prison within five years, which is approximately 21%.

The data also shows that about 23% (348 out of 1,512) of the prisoners of serious violence and 28% (1,373 out of 4,904) of all the prisoners released in 2016 - were released on parole.

The study, which was conducted these days by the Israel Security Service and is expected to be published towards the end of the year, shows that the rate of recidivism in violent crimes is 37% among adult prisoners who were released from prison in 2016 and returned to incarceration by 2021. This figure is relatively low for the conclusions A previous study, which dealt with violent crime prisoners who were released from prison in 2014 and returned to prison until 2019, when the recidivism rate was 41%.

"We have to act."

MK Davidson, photo: Oren Ben Hakon

Parole is a procedure for releasing a prisoner from prison before the end of the prison term he was sentenced to.

One of the main purposes of release is to achieve proper behavior of the prisoner in prison, by allowing him early release if he behaves properly.

The release on parole is authorized by the majority of the release committee from the prisons to give to prisoners who are found worthy of release and do not endanger public peace.

Usually these prisoners present a plan to the parole board after they have served two-thirds of their sentence.

The rehabilitation program that the paroled prisoners go through probably prevents them from returning to crime in a beneficial way.

The author of the report, MK Davidson, a member of the Constitution, Law and Justice Committee of the outgoing Knesset, said: "It can be seen that 37% of the prisoners convicted of serious violence return to prison within five years of their release. This is a dangerous figure that cannot remain indifferent. We As a society, we are required to exhaust the law with the criminals, but serving a full sentence is not a guarantee that the criminal will not return to his prison after his release.

"From the report it appears that rehabilitation programs that accompany the released prisoner, and a more correct examination of the conditions of release and the manner of release - are more significant for preventing recidivism.

We must act to lower the statistics."

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