The Limited Times

Tennis: "I don't see anything fishy", Djokovic's wife reacts after the strange video of Bercy

11/9/2022, 9:08:43 AM

A video showing the clan of the Serb trying to hide the preparation of a drink in the stands of the Accor Arena made the t

The video, shot during the Djokovic-Tsitsipas semi-final at the Masters 1000 in Bercy, caused a stir.

We see the physiotherapist of the former world No. 1, Ulises Badio, preparing a mysterious drink in the middle of the stand, in an open backpack placed on the ground, barely two rows behind the court.

When the members of the Serb's clan realize that someone is filming this strange scene from the nearby bleachers, they try to position themselves to hide their actions.

At the next change of sides, the gourd is given to a ball collector who immediately brings it to the six-time winner of the Parisian tournament.

Can anyone who knows tennis explain what is going on here, and why it's being done this way?

It looks amazingly dodgy.

— Damian Reilly (@DamianReilly) November 6, 2022

Obviously, that was all it took to open the door to all speculation about the content of what the world No. final of the last Wimbledon.

At the time, he appeared to be inhaling the contents of a bottle.

On social networks, all theories are mixed.

For John Millman, there really is no business.

The answer lies in industrial secrecy… “Maybe they don't want to give someone the advantage, explains the Australian player.

To add to that, inside a locker room you see a squad of players still making drinks, in unmarked bottles and put in the fridge.

Workout programs, taking supplements, etc.

are trade secrets.


Even if the behavior of the entourage of the Belgrader seems strange, the fact of transmitting something to a player during a match is perfectly authorized from the moment the referee is informed.

And where, of course, it does not violate anti-doping rules.

“He will speak when he is ready to speak”

According to The Telegraph, the man with 21 Grand Slams, known in particular for his very strict diet, opted for unmixed energy supplements or isotonic powder, which contain a lot of sodium.

A high sodium content partially offsets the effects of perspiration.

No regulation prohibits this type of drink, which is frequently consumed by athletes.

But then, why so much secrecy?

Jelena Djokovic, the wife of the current No. 8 at ATP, is annoyed that we are asking the question.

She thus arrested on Twitter the author of the controversial video, accusing him of his bad intentions.

"I don't see anything fishy she wrote, a bit angry.

In fact, I see people trying to keep their business private in a world where everyone thinks they have a right to point a camera at you whenever they want.

Apparently wanting to try to be private makes you doubtful these days.


Will the Serb ever explain himself?

“He will speak when he is ready to speak, continues Jelena Djokovic.

All this nonsense of making people talk about something they are not ready for because OTHERS are not patient is nonsense.

Not everything you see is controversial.

It could be private.

Is this allowed?
