The Limited Times

World Cup 2023: the national financial prosecutor's office opens an investigation into the management of the organizing committee

11/9/2022, 11:13:51 AM

An investigation into the management of the 2023 World Cup organizing committee has been opened by the national financial prosecutor's office.

A preliminary investigation was opened in early October into the management of the public interest group (GIP) France-2023, responsible for organizing the Rugby World Cup, the National Financial Prosecutor's Office (PNF) said on Wednesday, confirming information from

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This investigation was opened for favouritism, influence peddling, corruption and any other related offence, following a joint report from the General Inspectorate of Finance and the General Inspectorate of Education, Sport and research, in particular on the management of the former managing director Claude Atcher, dismissed in mid-October.

A search is underway at the headquarters of the organizing committee of the 2023 Rugby World Cup.

Laid off as a precautionary measure in August due

to “alarming managerial practices

”, Claude Atcher had been officially dismissed from his post as general manager of the organizing committee of the 2023 World Cup, less than a year from the coup. sending off the competition.

“There is substance”

In addition, a joint mission of the General Inspectorate of Finance and the General Inspectorate of Higher Education and Research had been working since this summer to, in particular,

"analyze the existence of possible breaches of economic probity and financial or conflicts of interest"

within the GIP.

“There is substance,”

said a source with knowledge of the file.

Claude Atcher, former third line, 66, appeared in September before the Paris Criminal Court for "concealment of breach of trust" alongside the president of the FFR Bernard Laporte for having collected sums with his company Score XV undue from 2017, when he was leading France's candidacy for the World Cup.

Two years in prison, one of which was suspended, were requested against him.

Judgment was reserved for December 13.