The Limited Times

Football: the "boss" of French referees, Pascal Garibian, soon to be replaced

11/10/2022, 5:20:26 PM

The president of the technical direction of the arbitration (DTA) as well as Laurent Duhamel, manager of the referees at the professional level, should

He will therefore have spent almost ten years at the head of the Technical Direction of Arbitration (DTA) before a start to the season plagued by recurring controversies got the better of him.

According to information from RMC, which we confirm, the decision was taken during the Executive Committee of the FFF meeting this Thursday to dismiss the director of the DTA Pascal Garibian, a sort of boss of French referees.

A decision which will not have immediate effect, in particular so that the procedure can take place in compliance with labor law, but which would have been announced by the president of the FFF Noël Le Graët, the sole decision-maker in this file.

According to RMC, Laurent Duhamel, manager of referees in the professional sector at the DTA, will also be replaced.

This departure was expected, as we mentioned at the end of October.

In recent weeks, the subject of the replacement of Pascal Garibian has been increasingly discussed internally, in particular due to the rising rumble of certain presidents of elite clubs.

This Wednesday on Canal +, the former referee Tony Chapron had also announced it outright, giving the name of his very likely successor.

“There is a change at the head of the French arbitration, he said.

Pascal Garibian, who is the current director, should be replaced by Stéphane Lannoy.

It's a logical continuation insofar as Stéphane Lannoy has a brilliant career as a referee and he has knowledge of international football which will help, I hope, French refereeing.

Stéphane Lannoy is currently the assistant technical director of refereeing.