The Limited Times

Kalphon: "I will work to end collective punishments and games without an audience" | Israel today

11/10/2022, 3:44:48 PM

The chairman of the board informed the board members that the magnetometer pilot will be held in early January: "I don't think the good fans should be punished"

The board of directors of the football leagues met today (Thursday) and discussed a number of issues, one of which is the many cases of violence in football.

The chairman of the board, Erez Kalfon, informed the board members that the pilot of the magnetometers will be held in early January, and the nets in the problematic stands will be installed in January as well.

According to Kalfon, the subject of administrative fines will be promoted with the establishment of the new government, where the goal according to him is to reach a situation where as soon as there are the tools to personally punish the rioters there will be no more punishments against the groups.

Among other things, Kalfon told the teams: "Once the legislation is completed in the Knesset, I will work to change the regulations and stop the collective punishments against the teams and the fans of games without an audience. I don't think the good fans should be punished. I believe we will soon see a change."

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