The Limited Times

Maccabi is trying to prevent an outside crowd in the derby, Hapoel demands to change the regulations - voila! sport

11/10/2022, 3:21:19 PM

The Yellows refuse to hand over a thousand tickets for the game on 11/20, a hearing is scheduled only for Wednesday. Rami Cohen Wow! Sport: "Frankel decided to donate something more to Maccabi before he returns to their stand"

Summary: Hapoel Tel Aviv - Trento 63:93 (Sport1)

A big mess surrounding the arrival of Hapoel Tel Aviv fans to the derby that will be held in 10 days at Yad Eliyahu.

During the past week, Hapoel forwarded its request to Maccabi Tel Aviv to receive 1,000 tickets that it is entitled to according to the regulations, and the Yellows responded in the same letter they sent about two weeks ago to the Israel Police, the league director and the basketball association, in which they detailed why they want to hold the derby games without an outside audience.

It should be noted that none of those three bodies responded to Maccabi's letter until this writing.

In the inspection conducted by the Reds in front of the director, it became clear that if the host in the upcoming derby does not transfer the tickets, she will be fined according to the regulations only NIS 70,000, and in practice they demanded to convene the executive in order to change the regulations to a much higher amount, so that Maccabi will not carry out its threat and will transfer the tickets.

In response to this demand, the administration decided to convene the board of directors and not the executive, and only next Wednesday - a very late date that will probably make it difficult for Hapoel fans to arrive in any case.

"Such a move, of not transferring tickets to us, will be the end of the administration, as we will see it as a confirmation of no longer complying with the regulations," Lavala said!

Sports Chairman of Hapoel Tel Aviv Rami Cohen. "We demand the increase of the fine so that Maccabi will not be able to live up to its threat, and to set the clause at an astronomical amount when half of the money will be transferred to the team that does not receive the tickets in the event of a violation.

Frankel's decision not to immediately convene the executive board is delusional, he decided to contribute something more to Maccabi Tel Aviv just before he returns to sit in their stands."

As is known, the decision to convene the board of directors and not the executive board stems from the fact that the executive board does not have the authority to discuss this issue and make changes.

The last time Hapoel Tel Aviv fans came near Eliyahu, a fence was installed in their stands (Photo: Udi Citiat)


Sport has learned that the various league teams support Hapoel Tel Aviv's move, fearing that Maccabi Tel Aviv's move will lead to no more away crowds at sensitive games.

"We understand the significance of such a move, it is much more convenient to play without an away crowd, but it is against the spirit of the sport. We will not give it a hand," said the chairman of one of the league's teams.

Hapoel Tel Aviv is confident that despite the threats from Maccabi Tel Aviv and the uncomfortable situation , all the factors will come to their senses and come to a decision that will allow 1,000 of its fans to come and cheer on Yad Eliyahu in the derby. "Since the beginning of the season there have been no incidents with our fans, the only incident that happened at our games was the lighting of flares by Maccabi Tel Aviv fans in the Winner Cup final, and throwing objects at the bench and Danny Franco ", emphasized Rami Cohen. "Maccabi stirs up the spirits just before the derby, instead of calming them down."

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Shmuel Frankel, All-Star 2019 (Photo: Kobi Eliyahu)

The chairman of the administration, Shmuel Frankel, responded: "I think that any basketball game without an away crowd is something that should not happen."

I think that Maccabi is wrong in its behavior, I tried for a week to talk to Maccabi, I pressed them as much as possible and repeated it several times that they are making a mistake, but unfortunately I did not succeed.

In order to save time with the executive board, which does not have the authority to discuss this issue, I immediately convened a board of directors to discuss it.

At the moment there is a fine of NIS 70,000 that Maccabi will of course receive for not delivering tickets to a rival team.

All the other speculations of the Hapoel about me, there is nothing in them and I do everything to have an audience for both sides.

I will repeat again that I do not agree with this move by Maccabi and am doing everything to change it."

Hapoel Tel Aviv reacted to the news as follows: "Imagine that Hapoel Tel Aviv decides to do justice to itself and that it pays for it not to allow an outside crowd in the game against Holon. Imagine that Yaakov Shahar decides to do justice to himself and not to allow Maccabi Tel Aviv fans into the game at Sami Ofer. Imagine that Alona Barkat decides to do justice for itself and not to bring the Maccabi Haifa fans into the Turner game. For the Hapoel Tel Aviv fans, this is no imagination. Maccabi Tel Aviv, which is probably afraid of our development in the last year, has freed up to do the only thing in which it is still one of the best in Europe - dehumanizing its competitors and then blowing the horn "


same Maccabi Tel Aviv that sent its players in private vehicles to the last drive-in derby, is now spreading extreme scenarios in an attempt to explain why it is trampling the regulations of the league administration and setting a dangerous precedent in Israeli sports in which team managers will whistle the law and the regulations and harm visiting audiences.

We are sorry that Maccabi Tel Aviv chooses to heat up the atmosphere for the derby, not for the first time.

We will make it clear that all responsibility for the consequences of this conduct rests on the shoulders of Maccabi Tel Aviv.

Hapoel added: "We expect the league manager to manage the league and ensure compliance with the regulations. Hapoel Tel Aviv calls on its fans not to fall into the trap and not to be dragged into violent actions that Maccabi Tel Aviv is waiting for in order to later rake in media capital. We will all be in Yad Eliyahu on 11/20 at 9 p.m. :00 in the derby game. We call on the sports fans in Israel not to sit idly by. Today it is Maccabi Tel Aviv in basketball that bullies the Hapoel fans, tomorrow it could be another administration that will act in the same way against you."

Maccabi Tel Aviv video about riots by Hapoel Tel Aviv fans (Maccabi Tel Aviv spokesperson)

Maccabi Tel Aviv did not issue a written statement on the matter, but chose to respond to the claims of its city rival with a video, in which there is a cluster of riots by the red crowd at derby games in recent years.

  • sport

  • basketball

  • Super League


  • Hapoel Tel Aviv basketball

  • Maccabi Tel Aviv in basketball

  • Rami Cohen