The Limited Times

Opinion For the first time in Israel: the Gewald campaign after the elections Israel today

11/10/2022, 9:44:49 PM

For the first time in Israel: a Gewald campaign after the elections • On the left and in the media, chaos and destruction are imagined, and in some parts of the right, the long-awaited reforms are praised • The challenge is to choose the right battles, without texting the opportunity

A climatic surprise awaited the political prognosticators with the close of the elections and the arrival of the true results.

It is accepted and known to all that in the electoral atmosphere in Israel the Gewald season lasts from the week before going to the polls until the publication of the samples on election day at 10:00 p.m.

And here, this time a change - the Gewald season has not only continued beyond the regular time period, but it is also getting stronger, and is responsible for unceasing showers of broken cries and hysteria across the entire sector.

On the side of the winner and the loser alike, leaders, parties and journalists circulate and spread a sense of doom and distress.

The most acute anxiety attack was recorded in the judicial and law enforcement system.

This week, the state attorney and the legal advisor to the government made milky and implied speeches, but in briefings for reporters, sources close to the attorney's office made it clear that they will not hesitate to go to war there, and that they are preparing for what is to come.

The goal, apart from an undemocratic attempt to threaten a coalition that has not yet been established, is to create a pressure lever to bring the state camp into the government in the name of saving democracy.

At the Saladin Party headquarters, they liked the arrangement in which they kept Benny Gantz and Gideon Sa'ar as the long arm of the system in the government.

Now representation in the political system is doubly important to them.

The State Camp Party, photo: Yossi Zeliger

The quiet headquarters of the state camp.

Will they be used as a pressure lever?, Photo: Gideon Markovich

Under the cover of the fog

More panickers with shortness of breath can be found in studios and media systems.

From a firm denial of any step to ease the boycott on Netanyahu, and active activity against those who dared to step out of line, journalists moved to mournful reflections on the fact that there is no escape from unity that will prevent the destruction of democracy.

Everything to save the nation from the darkness that is about to fall on the Jewish state.

Part of this is due to media fog and disinformation, designed to serve the narrative of chaos, to fuel rumors of extortion by partners and above all - to create a sense of conflict and creaks in the right-wing bloc.

A large section of the media is indeed in the dark when it comes to what is happening in the negotiation rooms, and in such a reality the spin industry operates on turbo mode.

There is no shortage of political players who wish to strengthen their bargaining power, and there is no shortage of media figures who want us to believe that everything is collapsing here.

Even if there are disagreements and hand-wringing typical of coalition negotiations, in practice the common goals are not in sharp dispute.

Still, one cannot escape the feeling that the cries of the Gewald are also giving their signals among some players in the emerging coalition, and this is evident in anonymous quotes expressing fear that the effort was in vain, and that the measures that the public voted for at the ballot box may not materialize.

Yeshiva of the leaders of the right-wing bloc (archive), photo: Yonatan Zindel/Flash90

The briefings on the right mainly concern the issue of the overcoming clause, which is not at all certain that it is the mountain that deserves to be killed on at this point.

There are reforms in the field of enforcement systems and the economy that are more dramatic and urgent, and there is also the issue of chaos in the Negev and the Galilee.

But the briefings and spins paint a picture of apparent hesitancy around the passage of overcoming, indicating a general reluctance to make necessary changes and govern as the public decided.

Is there a basis for concern?

To answer this question, one must pay attention to the appointments to the various ministries: they are the ones that will indicate the trend, and will be a call of direction for the areas to which Netanyahu and the next government will seek to move.

Personalities like Bezalel Smotrich, Yariv Levin or Amir Ohana Law.

Avi Dichter, Miri Regev and certainly Itamar Ben Gabir for internal security.

These figures will indicate not only to the coalition partners, but also to the governing systems, where the state is going to turn in the coming years.

Those who are present at what is happening in the negotiation rooms imply that this is the direction, and that figures who recognize the need for urgent change will be appointed to the relevant offices.

Also, an agreement is forged regarding the pace and development of the negotiations and the establishment of the government.

Netanyahu and Ben Gvir.

Is there anything to fear?, Photo: Likud spokespeople

In the first stage, everyone understands, a government must be formed, a Knesset speaker appointed and the system stabilized. In this sense, the new coalition is in a pendulum that swings between the understanding that the haste is from the devil and that the situation is sensitive, and therefore the public and the governmental establishment need time to digest and calm down; and the need for quick action, a statement Intentions, establishing a fact and starting work when the government is already on the fence.

In the second stage, after the facts are determined, the right ministers will be appointed to the right ministries.

At the moment, there are no surprises, and no special containment efforts are evident from any of the coalition's components.

The third phase will include the beginning of the implementation of the reforms, a phase that will undoubtedly bring out the end-of-democracy panics to declare that all the hype is over and that the curtain has come down on Israeli democracy.

The future coalition is aware of this, as every voter who cast a ballot for the establishment of this coalition is aware of this.

The right-wing government train left the station, and the locomotive driver and his partners understand that the traveling public will not forgive this time for stopping at different stations from the planned route.

In front of the winds of confidence that blow from the coalition talks, there are spins and fictions that are the product of the reckless behavior of political actors, and of a media market that is going through an upheaval and that has gotten used to the reality of an alliance and a reciprocal relationship with the government that it is supposed to visit - but woke up to the morning of a new reality in which some of the information routes are blocked to it.

The next two weeks will decide and teach us where the wind is blowing, and whether it will be a wind of governance, balance between authorities and maintaining the Jewish identity of the country - or a wind of stagnation and preservation of the existing chaotic situation.

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