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Opinion If the US is already snooping - it should be congratulated; Ben Gabir is going through a process of personal and political maturation | Israel Today

11/10/2022, 10:08:31 PM

When a right-wing Israeli politician tries to moderate his audience, he is condemned, while a Palestinian leader who encourages terrorism receives a hug from the administration. Because the event in question was not a 'celebration' but a memorial ceremony for a man - admittedly controversial - who was murdered in a terrorist attack. Going through a process of personal and political maturation. He is not the first politician in the West to move from illegitimate circles, right or left, into the tent. This appointment - if the United States is already prying into Israel's internal political affairs - should have been welcomed.

"Celebrating the legacy of a terrorist organization is a disgusting thing," State Department spokesman Ned Price defined the participation of the designated minister, Itamar Ben Gabir, in the memorial service for Rabbi Meir Kahana, founder of the "Chak" movement.

The emphatic statement from America's official spokesman, which must have been coordinated with his superiors, reflected above all else negligence.

Because the event in question was not a 'celebration' but a memorial ceremony for a man - admittedly controversial - who was murdered in a terrorist attack.

Yes, Kahana was killed by a shot from the gun of al-Sayed Nosayer, an al-Qaeda operative who was involved in the first attempt to blow up the Twin Towers in New York, in 1993.

And what is more important in our case, Ben Gvir came to the place precisely to outline to those who were his companions the border lines that should not be crossed.

Spokesman of the US Secretary of State, Ned Price, photo: AP

Ben Gabir in remembrance of Rabbi Kahana: "I don't agree with all his words", the audience responded with boos |

Watch // Credit: Zeevi News All the World

"There were years in his (Rabbi Kahana's) history and various actions and things that today I even less agree with. It's no secret that today, I am not Rabbi Kahana, and I do not support the deportation of all Arabs, and I will not enact laws for separate sea shores," Ben Gvir stated before the hard core of the veterans of the "So" movement.

His words were so harsh in their eyes, that instead of applause he responded with roars of "contempt".

Ben Gabir, as he also published in Israel Hayom, is undergoing a process of personal and political maturation.

He is not the first politician in the West to move from illegitimate circles, right or left, into the tent.

This appointment - if the United States is already prying into Israel's internal political affairs - should have been welcomed.

Ben Gvir at the entrance to the President's House, photo: Oren Ben Hakon

Under these circumstances, slamming the door, and even more so rudely, in front of the chairman of Otzma Yehudit is simply a mistake.

But unfortunately, emotions take over. Whether due to the influence of Jewish organizations, or because the top officials of the State Department are Jewish themselves, they are unable to treat Ben Gabir matter-of-factly. The Secretary of State in Lincoln, a Jew who leads the critical line on Israel in the administration, feels the need to educate us.

The same Blinken himself spoke on the phone just a week ago with the chairman of the Palestinian Authority, Abu Mazen - whose police officers were involved in a chain of attacks against Jews across the country. Blinken and his spokesmen did not call the attacks or Abbas "disgusting". In fact, the conversation with Abu Mazen It took place even though he did not even condemn the attacks and even though the Fatah organization, which he heads, praised them.

So what did we actually have?

When a right-wing Israeli politician tries to moderate his audience, he is condemned, while a Palestinian leader who encourages terrorism receives a hug from the government.

Is it reasonable?

It's unpleasant to say, but when it comes to Ben Gavir, America's superpower behaves more like a shtetl.

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