The Limited Times

special session? Reisinger: "It will be difficult without me..."

11/10/2022, 10:44:26 PM

special session? Reisinger: "It will be difficult without me..." Created: 2022-11-10Updated: 2022-11-10 11:25 p.m By: Uli Kellner Summit meeting in the Alm: Sports director Günther Gorenzel listens to the comedians, President Reisinger, CFO Marc-Nicolai Pfeifer and Board member Sebastian Seeböck put their heads together. © joke Once again, the "Entrepreneurs for 60" have rendered outstanding s

special session?

Reisinger: "It will be difficult without me..."

Created: 2022-11-10Updated: 2022-11-10 11:25 p.m

By: Uli Kellner

Summit meeting in the Alm: Sports director Günther Gorenzel listens to the comedians, President Reisinger, CFO Marc-Nicolai Pfeifer and Board member Sebastian Seeböck put their heads together.

© joke

Once again, the "Entrepreneurs for 60" have rendered outstanding services to the NLZ - and to the salvation of the fans.

Köllner is missing from the humorous comedy benefit evening.

Humor and self-mockery - these have always been virtues that have distinguished the long-suffering lion family.

And so on Thursday evening, 24 hours after Freiburg's terrible 2-0 defeat, deep blue fans made the pilgrimage to the alpine hut on the club grounds to be cheered up.

The "Entrepreneurs for Sixty" had invited to a benefit event.

Comedy was all the rage - not the worst medicine given recent sporting developments - with a promotion mission faltering.

What helps in such a situation?

"Lots of black humour," said President Robert Reisinger into the microphone after the club's own brass band had opened the evening with the "Sechzger-Marsch" in proper style.

320 guests and most of the management team in the "Sechzger-Alm"

Many of the 320 guests still wore the Freiburg pain on their faces when they entered the Alm from 6 p.m.

The comedians Roland Hefter, Simon Pearce and Cengiz Öztunc made sure that the worry lines gradually disappeared.

There was just as much frustrated beer as there was fish on a stick and other delicacies.

What did not exist was the exciting program item that was planned between the "Opening by Josef Wieser" and "7.20 p.m. Simon Pearce".

The original schedule of the evening said at this point: "Get Michael Köllner on stage."

At previous events of the entrepreneurs, the lion trainer was happy to show himself and affably ensured a good mood.

Not this time.

Köllner was absent - presumably because he felt that just enough people were worrying about him.

However, a few of these gentlemen were there: the managing directors Günther Gorenzel (Sport) and Marc-Nicolai Pfeifer.

In addition to Reisinger, his deputy Hans Sitzberger.

In addition, supervisory and administrative boards.

Although the rumor made the rounds that a special meeting of the committees was scheduled for the evening, it is conceivable that the meeting was postponed.

Or didn't even happen.

"Bring Michael Köllner to the stage" - this program point is omitted

The tenor on a moody evening in the Alm: It will be again, whether with Köllner or without him.

A lot will depend on whether 1860 wins again on Monday.

However, there was also a winner yesterday: NLZ boss Manfred Paula, who can be happy about the net profit of the event, a whopping 25,000 euros.

Finally, the president provided the best laugh of the evening.

Question: What happened to the special session?

Reisinger: “It takes place here.

I don't know anything else.

And without me it will be difficult.”