The Limited Times

57 km of swimming in an Argentinian river, the new crazy challenge of quadri-amputee swimmer Théo Curin

11/12/2022, 7:09:09 PM

The 22-year-old is at the start this Sunday of the Santa Fe-Coronda aquatic marathon, in Argentina, where he will swim in muddy water a

“This race scares me.

All the pressure is on me.

And I like it.

“Almost a year after crossing Lake Titicaca in the company of Malia Metella and Matthieu Witvoet, Théo Curin embarks this Sunday, November 13 (noon, French time) in a new crazy bet as he likes them.

The famous 22-year-old quadri-amputee swimmer will indeed be at the start, with 18 other competitors (including a Frenchwoman), of the Santa Fe-Coronda aquatic marathon, in Argentina.

A race created in 1961 of approximately 57 km which connects the two cities in the northeast of the country, in opaque and muddy waters… infested with jellyfish, piranhas and caimans.

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