The Limited Times

Route du rhum: "Cow, mother-in-law and plane on deck", Roland Jourdain recounts the hallucinations

11/12/2022, 9:45:06 AM

The skipper of We Explore returned with humor to the hallucinations of which he has been the victim in recent hours.

Roland Jourdain clung to the podium (3rd) in the Rhum Multi category on Saturday morning.

But the 58-year-old skipper of We Explore is fighting fatigue after almost three days at sea (the start was given on Wednesday at 2:15 p.m.).

As a result of sleep deprivation, the Quimperois had the right to a few hallucinations which, fortunately, did not affect his morale.

Read alsoRoute du Rhum: live, the positions and rankings of the boats on the cartography of the 12th edition


I saw that I was in the red when for several naps I had the feeling of no longer being alone on board... but pleasantly accompanied by the team... A nice little hubbub with snippets of conversation in my head.

In short, the small symptom of hallucinations caused by lack of sleep

,” explained the sailor who even finds in these illusory ramblings something positive for the human body.

We secrete funny and free stuff, finally you still have to count the price of the boat to make the trip

Roland Jourdain


It's hard, but it's good to lack sleep!"

I believe it is scientifically proven that deprived of sleep, the body secretes hormones (or others!) chemically close to the components of coke (or others!).

It is not only a sadomasochistic delirium with Judeo-Christian sauce.

But that's how it is, we secrete funny and free stuff, finally you still have to count the price of the boat to make the trip…

”, added “



Read alsoRoute du rhum: Roland Jourdain, the green challenge on a boat built (partly) in linen

The double winner of the Route du Rhum in the Imoca class (2006 and 2010) has become accustomed to this phenomenon which takes him each time to different regions.

It's a really special feeling.

All the runners have memories of this kind: a cow on the foredeck, mother-in-law in the lifelines... Once, I even refused to allow the journalists' plane to land on my Figaro, because they were going all dirty!

To be enjoyed in a homeopathic dose of course, otherwise there is danger

”, concluded the happy navigator.