The Limited Times

"Soldiers succeed thanks to those who study": the reaction on ultra-Orthodox street to the allowance storm Israel today

11/13/2022, 10:51:36 PM

A tour of Bnei Brak revealed a certain satisfaction with the change that is evident with the formation of the new government, but there they make it clear: "Today you do not even receive minimum wage from the state, and those who go to study do not do it for the money" • Moshe, Avrach, 33: "If a person feels If he lacks a bag of milk in the morning, he will go to work"

Just before the swearing-in of the new government, the ultra-orthodox parties bring hot merchandise to their voters.

The allowances of the priests and yeshiva students are supposed to be doubled and amount to NIS 730 for young people and NIS 1,314 for adults.

The government's support for yeshivas will amount to about NIS 3 billion.

Chairman of the Torah Banner, MK Moshe Gafni: "Without the passage of overcoming, a government will not be formed, we insist that all Bennett and Lieberman decrees be repealed"

In Bnei Brak they didn't dance all the way to the bank yesterday, but they were ready to let out a smile of well-being.

"Every shekel will help," explained Moshe Esrin, a 33-year-old Avrach. "You don't even get minimum wage from the state today, and those who go to school don't do it for the money. Even if we get 2,000 shekels a month, it's not an amount with which to support a family, and if a person He will feel that he lacks a bag of milk in the morning, he will go to work, even though there are those for whom the Torah is the most important thing and are willing to sink into debt for it. Personally, if I feel that I cannot provide for the family - I will go to work, but today I am doing well and my parents are helping. As long as you can study, You should study."

Soldiers of religion

NIS 1,314 is a little more than what a soldier serving on the home front receives, NIS 1,235 per month.

"Nowadays I feel in a kind of mission, because I understand those who hold the country", Esrin is not confused.

"A soldier who is on the battlefield does the greatest mission, but each one has his destiny in life. There are those who are destined to be in the camp and there are those who go to study Torah. As soon as allowances are cut, people are made to stop studying and there is no one to protect the country."

"Every shekel will help."

Moshe Esrin, photo: Yehoshua Yosef

Esrin is not the only one who made a comparison between soldiers and soldiers.

"This country exists thanks to the Avrachs," is convinced Moshe Cohen, 33, an Avrach and father of five, "The soldiers are successful thanks to those who study, and I will tell you more than that - we voted in the last elections, because we care more about the seculars than us. We will manage without an addition of a few hundred Shekels, but now we took care of conversion and kosher. The ones who would be harmed are the secular ones, not us."

"Everything goes to a living"

Elhanan, a 22-year- old

married man, was outraged at the comparisons to IDF soldiers. "You are making comparisons with the salary of the most front-line soldier and not talking about the soldiers who earn close to NIS 3,000," he was indignant.

, I promise you it's no less difficult.

Their faith is in the army, while mine is in the yeshiva world, and also 1,400 shekels a month is a poverty wage, certainly for families with many children."

Elhanan was shaken by the questions presented to him.

"It really annoys me," he said.

"Basically, I would say that it is better to give up this supplement, but there was a government here that explained to us very well where the money was going. Tens of billions of shekels, without blinking an eye, were transferred to the Arabs. So the secular public can show a little tolerance, these millions will not hurt them and this supplement will not save Us. It might help me close the month. We don't go to restaurants or hang out, all this money goes to our living."

Some of those we spoke with, such as Avraham Isaiah Kahn, 27 years old, said that they were not aware of the increase in allowances.

What is allocated to them every month is acceptable to them.

Others said that for them the stoppage of studies was only due to lack of choice, such as Yona, 50 years old, father of nine, who informed that he went to work because of the illness of one of his children.

Not everyone is raised about the increase in allowances.

Isaiah Kahn,

"What they give is barely enough for two diapers and a mattress and the money runs out," Yuna smiled bitterly.

"Fortunately, we have a kind of supervision from above that we learn, we are given what we are given, and God willing, we get along. How? Only the one from above knows. It is not natural. Someone asked the rabbi, 'Why can't I initiate - I will get a salary,' and the rabbi answered : 'When you have a salary, you trust it. When you don't, you trust the Creator of the world.'"

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