The Limited Times

"We need to understand where the red lines are": the Biden-Xi summit is expected to last hours Israel today

11/13/2022, 9:09:53 PM

The presidents of the US and China will hold a face-to-face meeting for the first time since Biden was sworn in, and will try to discuss a series of issues, primarily the global economy and the tensions surrounding Taiwan. The corona virus - and the first since he secured himself a historic third term

US President Joe Biden is expected to meet on Monday for the first time since taking office in 2021 with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping on the sidelines of the G-20 conference in Indonesia, with a series of burning issues between the parties in the background 

Biden and Xi, coincidentally, come to the top with both significantly strengthened: Xi received the Communist Party's blessing for a historic third term last month;

Biden managed to beat the predictions in the midterm elections for Congress last Tuesday - and his party won a new Senate and may even be able to keep the House of Representatives. 

"I know Xi Jinping and I've been around him longer [when Biden was a senator and vice president] than any other world leader," Biden told reporters in Cambodia, where he arrived Sunday to attend a conference of Asian nations.

"There is never a miscalculation when it comes to the positions of both of us," Biden emphasized. 

For Shay, this is only the second time he has left the territory of the People's Republic since the outbreak of the Corona epidemic.

The first time was for Gadi to meet President Vladimir Putin, who is considered his ally.

Xi is probably one of the few at the conference who will not condemn Russia and its representative, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, over the invasion of Ukraine. 

Ahead of the meeting, Biden said on Sunday that Washington would continue to keep communication channels open with Beijing, and White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan told reporters that the meeting would revolve around a series of issues and therefore could last "several hours." 

Biden arrived on the Indonesian island of Bali after a gathering of leaders from across Asia in Cambodia.

Biden emphasized just before his arrival in Indonesia that the US will "decisively compete" with the Chinese but will make sure that "competition does not turn into a conflict". Biden is expected to slap in Xi's face the American criticism of China's conduct with regard to human rights in the People's Republic, but on the other hand he will clarify Because it is important to prevent an escalation around Taiwan. "I know him well, he knows me," Biden said when he left for the summit at the weekend.

"We need to understand where the red lines are and what are the most important things for us for the next two years." 

 As you may recall, last summer the Speaker of the American House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi - who is second in line to the presidency - visited the island, and drew outrage that the Americans allegedly violated the long-standing status quo of not officially recognizing the regime in Taipei. Yesterday (Saturday) as a kind of reminder , the Chinese showed muscle as they did immediately after Pelosi's visit: at least ten fighter jets crossed the middle line in the Taiwan Strait.

The issue of North Korea also worries Biden and the neighbors of the isolated communist country against the background of the continued provocations of Pyongyang, which recently carried out a series of missile tests, some of which were also directed at them, including an intercontinental ballistic missile less than two weeks ago, which raised alarms. 

Biden, who met on Sunday with the leaders of Japan and South Korea, where the U.S. has many forces to create a balance, said the three countries "see eye to eye more than ever" when it comes to the threat posed by Kim Jong Un's regime, which has recently shown signs of May conduct another nuclear test. Biden added that the partnership between the US, Japan and South Korea is "more important than ever". 

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