The Limited Times

Ahmad Al-Safadi was elected Speaker of the Jordanian Parliament

11/13/2022, 6:21:32 PM

Amman, SANA- Jordanian MP Ahmad Al-Safadi won the elections for Speaker of the House of Representatives, to be Speaker of the House, succeeding Abd


Jordanian MP Ahmad Al-Safadi won the elections for Speaker of the House of Representatives, to be Speaker of the House, succeeding Abdul Karim Al-Daghmi.

Ammon News Agency reported that Safadi received 104 votes out of 130 in the Jordanian House of Representatives, compared to 13 votes for Representative Firas Al-Sawair Al-Ajarmeh, while 11 electoral papers were canceled.

The council was formed from the winners of the parliamentary elections that took place on the tenth of November 2020, and its members are elected every 4 years.

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