The Limited Times

Clear path for the Hemadlenzn: How is the move going in 2023?

11/13/2022, 6:15:37 PM

Clear path for the Hemadlenzn: How is the move going in 2023? Created: 11/13/2022, 7:02 p.m By: Michaele Heske Image of hope: like here in 2018, the Hemadlenzn want to celebrate the next move. The descent of Mayor Heinz Grundner is then part of the foolish program again. © Weingartner Because of the blocking of the B 15, the carnival society is worried about the Hemadlenzn parade in 2023. The

Clear path for the Hemadlenzn: How is the move going in 2023?

Created: 11/13/2022, 7:02 p.m

By: Michaele Heske

Image of hope: like here in 2018, the Hemadlenzn want to celebrate the next move.

The descent of Mayor Heinz Grundner is then part of the foolish program again.

© Weingartner

Because of the blocking of the B 15, the carnival society is worried about the Hemadlenzn parade in 2023. The Dorfen fools are hoping for a large-scale bypass for the parade.

Dorfen – There is still a big question mark before the Hemadlenzn move on February 16th.

Because this year too, the carnival stronghold of Dorfen has to worry that its traditional fool's procession on Nonsensical Thursday will fall through.

The problem that has not yet been solved is the route due to the blocked B 15 through road.

"Hopefully we will do everything this year - including the Hemadlenzn move," says Daniel Steinweber, press spokesman for KG.

All springs have been meeting on Erdinger Straße for decades.

The incumbent regents are then picked up at the Altöttinger Tor and the mayor is usually picked up from the new town hall.


Because this is exactly where all the traffic has been rolling through since the bridge was built and the B 15 was closed.

"If everyone drives around Dorfen on a nonsensical Thursday, for example via Grüntegernbach, hopefully it will work," says Steinweber.

One has long been in talks with the city and the district office because of the closure of the city center.

“We all sat down again just a few days ago and now we hope that traffic can be diverted for at least two hours.” However, the final decision is up to the district office.

"During the folk festival, it was also possible to block the city center," says Steinweber.

The Schützengau Dorfen riflemen's procession and over 1300 visitors also moved through the old town here.

"The Hemadlenzen is an exceptional situation where 3,000 people quickly gather," explains Martin Pommer, President of the Dorfen Carnival Society.

And he adds: "We actually want to celebrate normally again, so that it becomes a carnival as we are used to it."

The fools are not afraid of Corona this year: "The numbers are stable, it doesn't look like a new wave is coming," says Pommer.

In 2021, the folly fell through completely because of the pandemic, but the following year the carnival society canceled the official carnival parade again.

However, many traditionalists insisted on a so-called walk through the city on Nonsense Thursday 2022 and paraded through the city in their white shirts.