The Limited Times

FTX Incident丨It is rumored that SBF wanted to flee to Dubai, but the CEO of the Bahamas surveillance related company was in Hong Kong

11/13/2022, 8:09:52 PM

After FTX, the world's second-ranked cryptocurrency exchange, filed for bankruptcy protection, the outside world has been paying attention to the whereabouts of founder SBF (Sam Bankman-Fried, nicknamed Brother French Fries), the encrypted news website CoinTelegrap

After FTX, the world's second-ranked cryptocurrency exchange, filed for bankruptcy protection, the outside world has been paying attention to the whereabouts of its founder SBF (Sam Bankman-Fried, nicknamed Brother French Fries), the encrypted news website CoinTelegraph reported on November 13, citing people familiar with the matter. , SBF planned to flee to Dubai, but failed, and related company Alameda Research CEO Caroline Ellison (Caroline Ellison) is in Hong Kong, also intends to go to Dubai.

CoinTelegraph reported that SBF and FTX co-founder Gary Wang and former engineering director Nishad Singh are both in the Bahamas, and the three are looking for a way to escape to Dubai because the United States and the UAE, where Dubai is located, have not extradited The United States and the United Arab Emirates signed a mutual legal assistance treaty in February to fight criminals.

All three are currently under surveillance in the Bahamas, "which means it will be difficult for them to leave," the people said.

Alison, chief executive of FTX-affiliated Alameda Research, is in Hong Kong and also intends to travel to the Middle East, the people said, adding that "she might be able to go to Dubai."

Who is Allison?

The FTX incident began on November 2. The foreign media CoinDesk pointed out that from the balance sheet documents, among the $14.6 billion in assets held by FTX affiliates and cryptocurrency trading agency Alameda Research, the largest single asset and many collaterals were FTT (that is, the platform currency of FTX) has aroused concern from the outside world that once the price of FTT currency falls sharply, it will cause a "burst".

Therefore, in the FTX event, Allison also received much attention.

Allison, 28, has denied reports that Alameda Research's balance sheet circulating online is incomplete, with more than $10 billion in assets not reflected on the balance sheet.

Then, after Binance founder Changpeng Zhao announced on November 6 that Binance would sell FTT held by Binance, causing the price of FTT to plummet, Ellison responded that he was willing to buy FTT held by Binance at a price of $22. , but this "coin rescue" plan failed.

@cz_binance if you're looking to minimize the market impact on your FTT sales, Alameda will happily buy it all from you today at $22!

— Caroline (@carolinecapital) November 6, 2022

According to Ellison's Linkedin account, she graduated from Stanford University in 2016 and then worked for investment management firm Jane Street.

She also pointed out that her Chinese language ability is "intermediate (daily conversation)".

After the FTX accident, news that SBF went to Argentina on a private plane was also reported on the Internet. SBF later denied the escape to the British media with a text message: "Nope" (Nope).

He said he did not leave the Bahamas.

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"French Fries" was debunked by reporters on the spot. How did the lazy bag push the exchange to bankruptcy in just one week?