The Limited Times

How to choose the right health insurance according to your health needs?

11/13/2022, 10:03:42 AM

There are a multitude of mutual health offers and it is sometimes difficult to know which formula to choose. Here are some keys

What criteria should be used to choose a mutual?

This is an excellent question.

Take the time to study several points before deciding: your health needs and those of your dependents;

the guarantees offered in such and such an offer;

disclaimers of warranties;

reimbursement percentages;

your financial means… Once these various subjects have been examined, your ideas will undoubtedly be clearer for choosing your future mutual insurance company.

An offer may even stand out from the others in an obvious way!

I compare health insurance online

Choose the right mutual according to your needs

Do you wear glasses or contact lenses?

Have your kids been sucking their thumbs for too long and their teeth need braces to get back on the right track?

Are you seriously considering getting prescribed hearing aids so you don't find yourself isolated in the middle of a conversation?

Everyone has a story and specific needs in terms of general health costs, dental, optical, gynecological… Take stock as objectively as possible so as not to miss out on any foreseeable treatment to be financed.

Some health mutuals offer guarantees that will seem more or less appropriate to you.

Optical or dental costs can indeed quickly become expensive... as can hospitalization costs.

Choose the right mutual according to the guarantees and levels of reimbursement

Choosing a good mutual according to your health needs means comparing the proposals of different organizations.

Do not hesitate to use online comparators, which will allow you to save precious time and not miss out on the most interesting offer in terms of guarantees but also reimbursement percentages.

Anyway, even if you have to adapt your mutual insurance to your budget, do not forget that certain guarantees must absolutely appear in the offer: routine care and optics and dental which are not reimbursed by the Insurance illness and which could put you in a difficult financial situation if you had to assume them yourself.

Choosing the right health insurance for seniors

The moment when you choose your mutual health insurance is also when it is better to be honest with yourself.

And if your age advances, it is better to consider more extensive coverage.

This does not mean that your health will suddenly decline;

but being prepared for when your healthcare costs rise is essential.

Most complementary health organizations have developed mutual insurance adapted to seniors, thus offering enhanced guarantees for dental implants, hearing aids, hospitalization or even optical care.

Choose the right health insurance for the family

Subscribing to a family mutual can be a good idea financially, because it allows you to insure the whole family without having to multiply individual contracts.

You can also attach your child to the contract you choose.

Some mutual insurance offers can also allow you to benefit from additional services such as the intervention of a housekeeper or childcare.

Even if they do not have a direct relationship with health, they can be more significant if you have little time to allocate to the maintenance of your apartment or house or your schedules do not allow for pick up your children from school or daycare.

Think about the exclusions of guarantees

Do not skip reading the general conditions of your mutual health insurance offer which indicate the possible exclusions of guarantees.

How many policyholders have had the unpleasant surprise of discovering these after taking out their contract!

This may be the absence of coverage for a service such as cosmetic surgery or stays in a nursing home;

or behavior judged to be at fault, such as a suicide attempt, an injury resulting from the consumption of alcohol or illicit substances or even the practice of an extreme sport.

You can find the reimbursement limits in your table of guarantees.