The Limited Times

In liberated Kherson, the immense relief of Ukrainians: the story of the special envoy of Le Figaro

11/13/2022, 7:40:16 PM

REPORT - Occupied for more than eight months by Russian military forces, the city in the south of the country welcomed the return of the Ukrainian army with relief.

Special envoy to Kherson

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It was a weekend of great emotion, tears of joy and resentment mixed together, the happiness of a rediscovered communion, quickly overshadowed by the pain of memories and the uncertainty of the future.

For three days, the inhabitants of Kherson and the surrounding villages celebrated their liberators, at least those who, for eight months, silently resisted the occupation.


Ukraine is more important than anything

," chorused a small group of the thousand people gathered in Liberty Square.

Patriotic songs follow one another, including one taken from a poem by the national hero, Tarass Shevchenko.

Once the songs are finished, Vladimir Putin is insulted.

The flag of 18-year-old Olena, a musician in the city orchestra, is filled with military dedications.

Read alsoWar in Ukraine: near Kherson, the timid return of the villagers

Glory to Ukraine!

It was when she heard this slogan chanted by her neighbor from her balcony window that Vera understood on Friday that the day of liberation had come.

The previous eight months...

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