The Limited Times

Midterm 2022 USA, is a victory for the dem in the Senate

11/13/2022, 11:51:26 AM

Democrat Catherine Cortez Masto was re-elected in Nevada. Her victory gives the Democrats control of the Senate. Joe Biden rejoices: "We have the majority, now we focus on Georgia" (ANSA)

The Democrats retain control of the Senate for another two years thanks to the crucial victory of Catherine Cortez Masto in Nevada

, with which they give a major success to

Joe Biden


"We have a majority" in the Senate and "now we focus on Georgia," said Joe Biden, celebrating the victory of the Democrats who retain control of the Senate.

"I'm not surprised by the turnout, I'm very happy with it because I think it reflects the quality of our candidates."

"This is a victory and a rematch for the party. The voters have rejected the Republicans Maga," says liberal Senator

Chuck Schumer

triumphantly , who will retain the leadership of the Democrats in the Senate.

The Nevada result - where the president's party also won the race for secretary of state with Cisco Aguilar - is yet another cold shower for the Republicans in this midterm election, which they faced optimistic in anticipation of a red wave.

This was not the case: the Democrats have retained control of the Senate and in the House they are in the running to lose far fewer seats than expected.

Cortez Masto

defeated Adam Laxalt, a candidate supported by Donald Trump, and gave the liberals the 50th seat in the Senate, to which is added the decisive vote of Vice President Kamala Harris.

The conservatives, on the other hand, count on 49 seats.

Only one remains to be assigned but it will be decided on December 6 by the ballot in Georgia between the Democrat Raphael Warnock and the Republican Herschel Walker.

The heavy defeat of the Grand old party in Nevada is added to those in Arizona and Pennsylvania, and fuels the internal controversy of the party that appears increasingly split.

"He's dead. It's time to bury him and build something new," Conservative Senator Josh Hawley tweeted after the outcome of the Nevada vote.

The candidates supported by Trump have lost all or most of the vote and the former president is considered by many conservatives - including Fox, the ex megaphone of the tycoon - to be responsible for the Republican debacle.

Trump has for days rejected the accusations and counterattacked: according to rumors he is engaged in a whirlwind of phone calls to blame the defeat on his enemy Mitch McConnell.

The control of the Senate is an important victory for Biden, who emerges strengthened by the midterm elections which went for the party far beyond expectations and historical precedents.

Success, is the provocation of some observers, could push Biden to rethink his possible candidacy for 2024. Taking a step back would allow him to leave having made history and at the height of success.