The Limited Times

Second chance: Jovanovich saved Barak Itzhaki's season - voila! sport

11/13/2022, 9:33:54 AM

Despite the mistakes in the construction of the squad, Maccabi Tel Aviv is still in the championship picture, but if the holes are not closed in January, the top will run away quickly. David Rosenthal wonders what the story is with Yonatan Cohen

Summary: Maccabi Tel Aviv - Hapoel Haifa 0:1 (Sport1)

Maccabi Tel Aviv's losses in Beer Sheva have a devastating effect.

Usually not three points are lost there, but much more, even if not directly and if in the following game she wins.

The problem of these losses is the slap in the face of the painful reality that Maccabi Tel Aviv is suffering, an understanding of its true situation.

In 2016/17 the story of the championship was closed with the penalty and the bench incident between Lito Vidigall and Jordi Cruyff, in 2017/18 the yellows were defeated by Turner 2:1 despite an extra player from the 20th minute, in a meeting where Barak landed a checkmate in the match-up Against Cruyff.

Last year they arrived in euphoria after the 1:2 against Maccabi Haifa, were defeated 2:0 and continued to deteriorate until parting with Patrick van Leeuwen.

This season they suffered the impact of the loss in the game against Nes Ziona and lost two more points even though they had an extra player.

This effect is still felt.

It is true that in the middle came a relatively easy victory in Teddy over Hapoel Jerusalem, but Maccabi Tel Aviv lost its confidence, its coolness.

She can make claims, justified in my opinion, to Eitan Shmuelevich who saw from the VAR position a difference where no one else saw a difference, but it is hard to complain about the referee after this kind of misses by Djorja Jovanovic or with the slips of Eran Zahavi against goalkeeper.

Lots of luck.

Yovanovich (Photo: Danny Maron)

Last night's ritual was similar to the one in the game against Nes Ziona.

From the 60th minute or so the Hapoel Haifa players started to lie down and then came the "contact lens incident" of a Levita fan.

By the way, everything Hapoel Haifa did was legitimate - it did not waste time in an unusual way and Maccabi Tel Aviv should not complain to her.

Vladan Ivić's team is very unsure of itself, it doesn't have the punch and as time started to run out impatient sighs were also heard from the stands.

Luckily, and contrary to all possible logic, the same Jovanovic who recorded one of the misses of the decade in the last minute of the first half, scored a goal in the last minute of the game from a much more difficult situation, one that requires technique and a lot of concentration that he did not have before.

Just before the World Cup break, the Serbian striker saved Maccabi Tel Aviv's season.

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Where is Jonathan?

Barak Itzhaki made quite a few mistakes in building the squad this year.

Maccabi Tel Aviv has no speed, it took too long to bring in a stopper and until Dries Lucassen, an elegant and excellent player, got into things, the team lost points in the key game in Haifa.

It seems that the team's main problem on offense is its lack of preparation for the loss of Stipa Peritza.

She doesn't have a striker from the bench to change the game, while Ivic continues to rise with Jovanovic and Eran Zahavi.

Not getting minutes.

Cohen (Photo: Ariel Shalom)

Itzhaki's most significant move was the return of the legionnaires from Italy.

Dor Peretz and Yonatan Cohen teamed up with Zahabi in the hope of recreating Ivitch's previous tenure.

The problem is that Zahabi is not as sharp as he was, Peretz suffers from a permanent injury to the muscles of desire.

And Cohen?

Well, the story with him is unclear.

This is the big puzzle in Maccabi Tel Aviv at the moment - Anna's relationship with her relationship is stumbling.

So far, Cohen has only been involved in the final minutes of the few games in which he has taken part.

Is the reason really a lack of fitness, an injury or is there something deeper?

Can he even give the team what it needs?

And will we, at some point during the season, finally get the answer to why they brought him in?

It should be remembered, Maccabi Tel Aviv (again, Itzhaki) was unable to find a foreign winger and finally landed Cohen.

You can say that it was a compromise of both parties.

At the moment she doesn't look very successful.

Not worthy of a chance?

Giagon (photo: Danny Maron)

Another player who deserves to be questioned about Cancano is Parfa Giagon, who was removed from the squad against Nes Ziona as an educational act and last night came off the bench and added a shot to the link.

Giagon expressed his displeasure with his lack of playing minutes, and the question is whether he is not good enough to get a place in the lineup.

His breakthrough on the lateral line and creating a goal opportunity from almost nothing is the best answer to the question about his talent level, but maybe other considerations prevent Ivić from giving him a real chance.

One way or another, Maccabi Tel Aviv won yesterday thanks to Jovanovich's brilliance and saved the season.

She is now going on a month break, during which she will have to make adjustments, get players back in shape and think about January.

On the part of fitness and mental readiness, Amon Ivitch.

The strengthening, centered on the improvement of speed and thrust, is already a task for Itzhaki.

He will have to comply with it.

Roni Levy, war

The results of tonight's and tomorrow's games will directly affect Hapoel Haifa's position in the table.

Victories of Beitar Jerusalem over Sakhnin and of Bnei Rayna over Hapoel Jerusalem (all the more so an improbable victory of Kiryat Shmona over Be'er Sheva) will push it even closer to the dangerous zone.

Hapoel Haifa closed a particularly bad round. It beat Hapoel Tel Aviv in the opening round and since then Another victory was not short until 0:1 over Hapoel Jerusalem last week. They are the only team in the league that scored a single-digit number of goals. They have problems in all formations except, perhaps, the goalkeeper position, and they are in a difficult situation despite the arrival of good reinforcement players such as Eliel Peretz and Hatem Abdel Hamid, who were supposed to put her in a much better position after a third of the season.

A very problematic situation.

Hapoel Haifa after the loss (Photo: Danny Maron)

Roni Levy understands this.

The professional exchange of Gidi Kaniuk is proof that he knows, already now, that he has no room for mistakes.

You can argue about many of Levy's qualities, he has football knowledge.

He needs players who fight.

Whoever makes holes will not be on the field.

Immediately after the break, Hapoel Haifa returns to Bloomfield, for a meeting with Hapoel Tel Aviv.

A week later she will host Benny Raina.

After expected losses, albeit ones that resulted from bad luck, to Maccabi Haifa and Maccabi Tel Aviv, this time Hapoel Haifa will have no excuses.

Levy has a month to prepare his players for two games that could determine which direction their season will go.

If they don't get at least four points from these encounters, it might be time to hit the panic button.

Take it slow

Two games - two wins and Maccabi Netanya took off from the red line area to eighth place in the table.

The credit, of course, goes to Ran Kozhuch who lifted the sagging morale of his players and changed the spirit of the team after a string of bad results.

Kozhoch was asked at the end of the game whether he would be appointed a permanent coach.

"I don't know what will happen, I've always been appreciated at the club," he replied, "I'm a system person, I'll do what needs to be done. In the end, when you're in the process of hard work, you expect a reward, but this is just the beginning."

step by step.

Ran Kozhoch (photo: Barney Ardov)

This is an honest answer from a humble person who understands his place in the system, but like everyone else he also has expectations of a reward for hard work and good results.

Kozhuch would surely like to be notified of his appointment as head coach, but everyone should take their time and think.

Netanya goes on break with air to breathe and time to think.

The memory of Benny Lem's rapid fall after a honeymoon that lasted almost a year is still fresh.

At the moment the job definition is less important, the accumulation of points is more important.

  • sport

  • Israeli soccer

  • Super League


  • Maccabi Tel Aviv in football