The Limited Times

Tops/Flops Rennes - Toulouse: Bourigeaud and Majer impress, Van den Boomen disappoints

11/13/2022, 9:51:29 AM

A match with great intensity, carried by a flamboyant Bourigeaud-Majer duo, but a disappointing Van den Boomen… Discover the tops and flops of this Rennes-Toulouse (2-1).


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An intense game

There was no observation round between the two teams on Saturday.

The game got off to a very good start.

Pressing, good possession phases, good moves... Rennes and Toulouse offered a good match.

If the match logically lost intensity over the course of the meeting, the game was always pleasant to watch.

Bourigeaud and Majer impress

We understand better why we were talking about Bourigeaud for the France team.

The midfielder had a very big game.

A very complete player, technically clean, precise in transmissions and even a scorer, on an excellent service from Majer (25th, 1-0).

And what about Majer precisely.

The 24-year-old Croatian, selected to compete in the World Cup with Modric and his teammates, was also impeccable.

His decisive pass for Bourigeaud, outside left foot is a delight.

He was also behind Rennes' second goal, when he temporized full axis before serving Terrier on the left side.

Dupé intervened, but Kalimuendo had followed well (58th, 2-1).

Duped still present

So yes, Toulouse has just conceded its ninth goal in four matches.

But without Maxime Dupé, the addition would certainly have been higher.

He was still the author of six stops, and some not necessarily obvious (52nd, 58th).


The offensive animation of Toulouse

It was laborious offensively for Toulouse.

Because yes, there were some good moves, some good transmission phases, but overall, the Violets had a lot of trouble in the last 25 meters.

Even when they pushed to equalize in the last 20 minutes, Rennes didn't look very concerned.

Van den Boomen in trouble

If the offensive animation of Toulouse was struggling, it is perhaps because the metronome Van den Boomen was not in a great evening.

Usually a true masterpiece of the Toulouse game, the Dutchman was very discreet, he who also lost 15 balls.

Rarer still, the midfielder has not always been precise in his set pieces, while he excels in discipline.