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Touch the sky: "Oracle's cloud is changing the world" | Israel today

11/13/2022, 6:46:08 PM

Technology from the future: the annual conference of the technology giant in Las Vegas was full of innovations that are expected to improve the lives of all of us • Eran Feigenbaum, CEO of Oracle in Israel: "The American dream is happening in Israel"

What happens in Vegas remains in the cloud: you know you're in the middle of a sensation when one event succeeds in a few days in becoming the big focus of the "City of Sins" and focusing all attention on it, just like the technology giant Oracle managed to do.

The place: the spectacular and prestigious Venice Hotel on the Las Vegas Strip.

The event: Oracle's annual Cloudworld conference, which comes after a forced two-year hiatus due to the pandemic that recently raged around the world.

Five entire floors were dedicated to the fascinating conference that lasted for three days.

Thousands of business people from all over the world, the company's customers and executives in the tech industry who frequent the conference rooms, go in and out of lectures, meetings and exchange impressions, and listen attentively to what Oracle offers in the way of making the globe a little more accessible.

Oracle CEO Zafra Katz, next to Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang, photo: Oracle

One of the biggest in the world

Oracle, for those who have lived on Mars in the last decade, is an American multinational software company, one of the largest in the world, which sells cloud computing services and enterprise software in various fields.

The Israeli delegation was at its peak at a conference that included more than 10,000 of the world's and Israeli high-tech leaders who came to hear and be heard. 

The software giant revealed the technologies of the future in the field of the cloud, including a mesmerizing lecture by the company's founder Larry Ellison, the tenth richest man in the world, who owns a cumulative capital estimated at 103 billion dollars, which does not for a moment dampen his enthusiasm and passion for the field, when he stands on a stage and gives details to the audience The brilliant business of why Oracle is so essential to our world, and how future developments are on the way to continue changing the world.

Server farm (illustration), photo: istock

Alison is also considered a clear pro-Israeli and an enthusiastic donor of Israel, another factor that only increases the desire to stand and cheer him at the end of the lecture.

Live on a cloud

So forget about rain, because Oracle is perhaps the thing most associated with the term cloud that exists in the world right now.

The company brings to the world the most advanced technologies for the cloud industry today.

In Israel it is considered the first to establish a revolutionary server farm long before the other competitors even thought of doing so.

The company took into account the security threat and the risks of the Middle East, and built it nine stories below the ground to protect it from missile threats and other catastrophes that could harm the routine existence of the citizens.

"Oracle entered the market late, so we could learn from the mistakes of the other companies. We know that security is of critical importance, so in Israel we need to provide protection against missiles, rockets and explosives. That's why we decided to build this farm nine stories deep underground. It's essential. I have lived in Israel for over a year and the number of times I had to run to the shelter because of alarms is many. We had to provide a solution for this," shares Eran Feigenbaum, CEO of Oracle Israel, about the facility that is used by the Israeli cloud and covers thousands of square meters and was built with an investment of Hundreds of millions of shekels.

"Of course, it is a much higher cost to build it underground, and many of my colleagues argued that it was unnecessary, but Oracle understood how critical this thing is, and there are no compromises on that."

Feigenbaum has been in his position for more than a year.

Before that, he served for three years as the information security manager of the company's global cloud.

This is a gifted man, who succeeded in the short time he held the prestigious position to bring about quite a few revolutions in Israeli society, including the employment of many more women in key positions and placing an extensive emphasis on diversity and the employment of minorities.

"This conference was wonderful in several aspects. It was great to see everyone physically after a long time, actually since 2019. At the last conference I was in a completely different role than now, and this time, as the CEO of the company in Israel, to accompany our customers who came from Israel to the meetings and expose them to all the innovations Ours in various fields and in the health sector, and in all the issues that Oracle deals with, was very exciting."

Everything a startup needs

In a quiet and confident voice, Feigenbaum explains the advantages of Oracle's cloud and the innovations for the Holy Land.

"Israel is the start-up nation for a reason. Basically, the American dream is happening in Israel. Oracle offers everything technologically that a start-up needs. Every other company offers specific things, but Oracle is the only company that provides everything under one umbrella, and that's what every entrepreneur It is necessary. If you have a good idea, we will provide you with all the ways to realize it. We have built a second generation cloud, which others do not have. This means for consumers and citizens in the country less costs and more options."

What is your biggest challenge in Israel?

"The challenge for me in Israel is first of all to put the name Oracle on the map. Because we don't sell anything to consumers, they know the name, but are not really sure about what we are and what exactly we do. Everyone knows Amazon, Google and Microsoft, because it is clear what they do , but this is not the case with us. It is important to understand that most of the world runs on Oracle's cloud. We protect the sensitive data of critical and large organizations in the world. Our systems are installed in many hundreds of critical infrastructure companies in the world - from water companies to power plants.

"We are on our way to revolutionizing the health sector in Israel thanks to the fact that we have created a cloud in which any workload can be run, without any risk. The data center is used for disaster recovery and data backup that will be done locally. Thus, organizations that operate under regulations will be able to maintain the privacy of the information without taking it outside to the borders of Israel".

"In conclusion, just because Oracle is not a name that consumers know, it is important that they understand the things we do, which affect the lives of citizens every day. We might not have had a vaccine for Corona if it weren't for the things Oracle and Larry did. We could still be in lockdowns now. It excites me. There is Other things we do with the security system and the health system."

A deep connection to Israel

Three days of a conference, a multitude of lectures, a spotlight on Oracle's future technologies and the cloud, and one of the most exciting meetings was with Zafra Katz, the CEO of the global Oracle Corporation, who just last year was voted 19th on Forbes' list of the 100 most influential women in the world.

Katz is an Israeli who was born in Holon and moved to the USA at the age of 6. She speaks fluent Hebrew and is married to an Israeli, a former kibbutznik, contributes a lot to Israel and is involved in quite a few of the good things that happen here.

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