The Limited Times

Youth Corbinians pilgrimage: impulses of hope under a rainbow flag

11/13/2022, 7:21:39 PM

In fog and drizzle, around 1000 young people made the pilgrimage to Freising on Saturday as part of the 80th youth Corbinians pilgrimage. The motto this year: "be colourful".

In fog and drizzle, around 1000 young people made the pilgrimage to Freising on Saturday as part of the 80th youth Corbinians pilgrimage.

The motto this year: "be colourful".


– “Be colourful” was the motto of the youth Corbinians pilgrimage on Saturday.

The Mariendom, in which Cardinal Reinhard Marx celebrated the festive service, was also decorated in the colors of the rainbow.

He encouraged the youth to continue fighting the climate crisis: "You may, you may even have to, be loud - even if it sometimes annoys the adults," said the archbishop.

And: "Don't get discouraged!"

80 years ago, in the middle of the Second World War, young people made their way to Freising for the first time on the name day of Saint Corbinian and prayed for a life in peace.

It is the beginning of a success story that – only interrupted by the corona pandemic – continues to this day.

And especially this year, as the young pilgrims were reminded at the beginning of the service, the day of the “Korbi” is one on which people die in the war in Ukraine, people starve in Yemen and women and men take to the streets in Iran to protest against discrimination.

By the way: Everything from the region is now also available in our regular Freising newsletter.


"Think of the whole planet," Cardinal Reinhard Marx called out to the young people.

The atmosphere in the cathedral was great. 

© Lehmann

Marx goes into the world situation

The archbishop also addressed the current situation in the world at the beginning of his sermon: The covenant of God, which is concluded with all living beings and above all with all people, is one of the most important messages in times of crisis like these: "We are one human family , we belong together”, says Marx, “all people are sisters and brothers of Christ”.

Encouragement must come from Christians in particular, Christians are people of hope when it comes to fighting forces of destruction and terror.

You need a counter-movement.

"And you are part of it." And because creation also belongs to all people, it is right and important to set impulses for hope and commitment.

Marx was convinced: "Where else should it come from if the young people don't do it, this reminder:

Think of the whole planet!” And further: “Do not let yourself be discouraged again and again by so many events that are dragging us down”, the Cardinal urged the young people.

"Thank you for participating."

After the "colourful service" the young pilgrims gathered in the cathedral courtyard to take part in the celebration of the JuKo's 80th birthday.

With music and a DJ, with tea and a pilgrimage meal, people celebrated each other, the “Korbi” and their faith.

Just as it has been for 80 years, when three young women set off from Munich to Freising with their youth pastor because they wanted to celebrate the name day of the diocesan patron with many other believers.

In order to be in Freising in time for the service and also to avoid a possible air raid alarm, they left at midnight.


The young people were well looked after in the Domhof. 

© Lehmann

A special feature has been preserved to this day - including Saturday: because young people from the whole diocese wanted to get enthusiastic about the Corbinians festival, they were allowed to sit in the front of the chancel on the seats and also on the steps that were otherwise reserved for the students of the Freising seminary .

And so, even today, young Christians still flock to the shrine in which the bones of Saint Corbinian are kept.

From pilgrimage to church day

Since 1969, the Corbinian youth pilgrimage has had a theme every year.

Discussion forums and working groups are used to deal with the concerns of young people.

As a result, the character of the festival has changed from a pure pilgrimage to a Catholic or church day with several thousand young participants.

Today, Jugendkorbinian focuses not only on faith and interesting topics, but also on meeting nice people, culture and lots of fun.

Also – and maybe especially – in difficult times like these.

"Be colourful."

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