The Limited Times

Kiev, Moscow is not in a position to dictate terms of negotiations

11/14/2022, 12:11:00 PM

"Russia is not in a position to dictate its terms" to start negotiations for the end of the war, "Ukrainian Foreign Ministry spokesman Oleg Nikolenko said on Facebook, quoted by Ukrinform. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 14 - "Russia is not in a position to give its terms" to start negotiations for the end of the war ". This was stated on Facebook by the spokesman of the Ukrainian Foreign Minister, Oleg Nikolenko, quoted by Ukrinform." Ukraine's peace formula remains unchanged: immediate end of the war, withdrawal of all Russian troops, restoration of Ukrainian territorial integrity, compensation for damages and effective guarantees not to repeat the aggression.

In other conditions, achieving sustainable peace will be impossible ", said the spokesman.
