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Frightened children and worried farmers: wolf kills sheep just 20 meters from the house

11/16/2022, 7:10:50 AM

Frightened children and worried farmers: wolf kills sheep just 20 meters from the house Created: 11/16/2022, 8:02 am By: Boris Forstner A wolf killed a sheep in Böbing. The dead animal was only 20 meters from a house in the garden. © Symbolic photo: Panthermedia/arepiv The killing of a sheep by a wolf is not only the first such case in the district, but also a dangerous development from the fa

Frightened children and worried farmers: wolf kills sheep just 20 meters from the house

Created: 11/16/2022, 8:02 am

By: Boris Forstner

A wolf killed a sheep in Böbing.

The dead animal was only 20 meters from a house in the garden.

© Symbolic photo: Panthermedia/arepiv

The killing of a sheep by a wolf is not only the first such case in the district, but also a dangerous development from the farmers' point of view.

Because the wolf killed the sheep just 20 meters from the house in a Boebingen garden.

Böbing – There have already been a number of wolf sightings in the district.

A wolf was caught by a photo trap near Forst in June 2020, it was the first unequivocal proof.

Most recently, three weeks ago, on September 26th, another animal was photographed in western county.

The responsible State Office for the Environment (LfU) had not communicated this at all, but only documented it on its website - too many wolves are now out and about in the Free State.

Since the LfU does not disclose the location of wolf kills, the local newspaper asked Scholz if he could contact the affected sheep farmer - and he reported shockingly: "Actually, the family didn't want to say anything because they wanted to remain anonymous.

But because of the special circumstances, she wanted to make some details known," reports Scholz.

Family finds dead sheep in garden: "Wolf must have struck right before"

The DNA evaluation of the wolf is still ongoing, said an LfU spokesman.

But the second sheep kill this year - already in April three animals were killed by a golden jackal near Grasleiten near Huglfing - causes concern: Because the sheep was shot in Böbing in broad daylight directly at the house, like Wolfgang Scholz, President of the Bavarian farmers' association in the district.

This wolf was the first detection in the district in 2020.

© Josef Hang

Accordingly, the family found the dead sheep, a breeding animal, on All Saints' Day at around 8:30 a.m. on the way to the stable, only 20 meters from the house in the fenced garden.

"Of course, the family was very worried, especially because the carcass was still warm," reports Scholz.

"The wolf must have struck right before, maybe the family unknowingly chased it away."

Children are afraid to go outside - Scholz calls for a change of direction when dealing with the wolf

It was strange, and the alarmed expert from the LfU also confirmed this: all the other sheep remained calm.

"Normally there is a lot of excitement in a flock of sheep when a wolf strikes," says Scholz.

There is now excitement in the family, the children are understandably afraid to go outside.

Scholz is therefore finally calling for a change of direction when dealing with the wolf.

"He must be allowed to be hunted so that he learns to be afraid of humans again." Scholz fears that if the wolves are allowed to continue, they will lose their natural shyness.

The wolf has no enemies, so it must perceive humans as enemies.

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Scholz questions the measures taken by the Free State, such as compensation for damages and the promotion of wolf fences, in which other places in the district were appropriately included in addition to Böbing last week: “A wolf laughs at that.

If he's hungry and wants to climb a fence like that, then he'll do it too."

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