The Limited Times

He trained and tried to make a weapon: a 16-year-old from the north is accused of being a member of the ISIS organization Israel today

11/16/2022, 10:59:41 AM

For two years, the minor was in contact with the terrorist organization through the Telegram application • Among the instructional materials found on his phone: preparation of explosives, creation of poison, preparation of Molotov cocktails, machine guns, preparation of improvised explosive devices and explosives

The 16-year-old resident of the north is suspected of active membership in a terrorist organization, training or instruction for terrorist purposes and attempting to manufacture weapons:

the Haifa district attorney's office today (Wednesday) submitted an indictment against the minor to the Haifa District Youth Court.  

According to the indictment, filed by attorney Yaniv Zohar, the minor began to show an increasing interest in the ISIS organization and its activities starting in 2020, following that he corresponded with a number of activists from the ISIS organization about how to take the oath to the organization, and joining the fighting in its ranks in the battlefields abroad.

During the year 2021, the minor swore allegiance to the ISIS organization and thus became a member of the organization, and even after that date he continued to communicate with other ISIS activists on various religious issues, about the organization's fighting on the various fronts and about the production of explosives through correspondence on the Telegram application and on social networks. All this while he watches, Reads, downloads to his phone and sends others many training materials for terrorist purposes of the ISIS organization and from other sources, including: preparation of explosives, creation of poison, preparation of Molotov cocktails, machine guns, preparation of improvised explosive devices and explosives.

During the years 2021 and 2022, the defendant tried to convince a number of his minor friends to also support and join the ISIS organization, but they refused.

The prosecution requests to detain the accused until the end of the proceedings against him.

The General Security Service stated: "This is a countermeasure that sheds light on the influence of the terrorist organization ISIS in Israel, with an emphasis on young populations."

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