The Limited Times

Iran: two Revolutionary Guards and a paramilitary killed by "rioters"

11/16/2022, 8:41:38 AM

Two Revolutionary Guards and a paramilitary were killed Tuesday, November 15 by protesters in three localities in Iran while...

Two Revolutionary Guards and a paramilitary were killed Tuesday (November 15th) by protesters in three localities in Iran as rallies commemorated the November 2019 crackdown linked to rising fuel prices, according to the official Irna news agency.

Citing a military source, Irna said Reza Almassi, a colonel of the Guardians was killed "

by bullets fired by a rioter

" in Bukhan, a Kurdish-majority town in West Azerbaijan province, northwest of Iran.

According to the same source, another member of the Guardians Reza Azarbar, who "

defended security

" was killed by bullets from unknown persons in Kamyaran, a locality in Kurdistan, in the west of the country.

Read alsoIran: who really are the Islamic Revolutionary Guards?

Finally, in Shiraz, in the south, a member of Bassij, a paramilitary militia linked to the Revolutionary Guards, was killed "

during riots

" on Tuesday evening, according to Irna.


During the riots, a student from a Bassidji religious seminary in Shiraz was targeted by a mololov cocktail thrown by rioters and taken to hospital

," Irna said, quoting Fars provincial prosecutor Mustafa Bahrain.

Hit in the head, he later died.

Since the protests began two months ago, Iranian state media have reported that more than 30 members of the security forces have been killed in "


" incidents .

In addition, at least six members of the Revolutionary Guards were killed in bloody incidents in the city of Zahedan, capital of the province of Sistan-Balochistan (southeast) on September 30.

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