The Limited Times

Ukraine: “most” of the G20 countries condemn the war, Zelensky evokes “a terrorist state”

11/16/2022, 8:29:32 AM

In their long-awaited joint statement, the twenty countries insisted on the global economic consequences of the conflict and underlined "the i

The wording of this joint statement was expected.

The “most” of the G20 members “strongly condemned the war in Ukraine” and all agreed that the conflict “undermines the world economy”, according to a press release published this Wednesday morning at the end of the summit. of the group in Bali (Indonesia).

A statement that comes as the blur still hovers around the origin of the shooting that killed two people in Poland on Tuesday.

In this 17-page long statement, G20 members insist that a discussion took place about the war in Ukraine, during which states stuck to their guns.

“Most” of the countries thus reiterated their support for the UN resolution voted on March 2, which “strongly deplores Russian aggression against Ukraine and demands the complete withdrawal of Russian troops” from the country.

These same states, whose exact list is not specified, stressed that this conflict was causing “tremendous human suffering” and “exacerbating existing fragilities in the global economy”.


G20 declaration in full

— Richard Walker (@rbsw) November 16, 2022

The world's twenty largest economies have also stressed the importance of the grain agreement between Ukraine and Russia and are in favor of its extension.

They also recalled, in this joint text, that “the use or threat to use nuclear weapons is inadmissible”.

On the Ukrainian side, President Volodymyr Zelensky reacted strongly to world leaders, and denounced the fact that the missile strike in Poland was "nothing other than a message from Russia addressed to the G20 summit ".

There is "a terrorist state among you, against which we must defend ourselves", he warned, pointing to Russia.