The Limited Times

Ukraine: Resident of Cherson reports on Russian occupation

11/16/2022, 8:34:44 PM

Putin's soldiers are said to have arbitrarily detained people, checked mobile phones and stolen ambulances: A resident of Cherson reports how she experienced the more than eight months under Russian occupation.

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These photos - released by the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense - are said to show a military airfield in Chornobaivka near Kherson.

The airfield had been used by Russian troops and was abandoned after they withdrew from the region.

Ukrainian soldiers take photos of the partially destroyed building.

The strategically important Antonivka road bridge, which crosses the Dnieper, was also left in ruins.

In the summer, western precision weapons of the Ukrainians had probably hit the bridge and interrupted the Russian supplies.

On November 10, the Russian army apparently finally blew up the bridge.

Then she retreated to the other side of the river.

Many people in Kherson experience the withdrawal of Russian troops from their city as a surprising relief.

Shortly before the Russians left, the Russians had cut off the supply - without internet and electricity, the residents had hardly noticed anything about the course of the war, reports one resident.

Olga Fedorova, resident of Kherson

We saw the flag being raised by our people.

And we just cried.

It was so wonderful.

We couldn't believe it;

we still can't believe our Ukrainian army is here.

We've been waiting for her the whole time, the whole eight and a half months.

I've been here since the first day of the occupation and we heard and saw everything: the first shots, the first tanks on the bridge.

We still had reception and followed the news on our cell phones.

The first residents who were near the bridge recorded everything on their cell phones and sent it to our city group.

We saw everything there, a line of tanks.

And on the bridge we saw very terrible, terrible fighting.

Many people had fled the region during the occupation.

Of the approximately 280,000 residents of the city, around 80,000 are said to have stayed there - including Fedorova:

Olga Fedorova, teacher

The whole time we were like in prison.

We could walk around town though.

But everywhere you saw Russian troops with guns.

You couldn't take your phone with you because they could read everything on it.

They read what you had saved on it.

They just caught you.

The Russian army stole everything.

They stole our buses and our ambulances - and even the children's train at the amusement park, they even stole children's toys.

And now we see our police.

Police cars with our people, Ukrainians, and we feel safe.

The Ukrainian government accuses the Russian army of destroying the entire infrastructure in the city.

Among other things, an important power plant that supplies the entire right bank of the region was destroyed.

For Russia, the withdrawal is a bitter defeat.

Kherson was the only regional capital captured by Putin's forces.