The Limited Times

A 16-year-old footballer died, illness in training 

11/18/2022, 6:23:36 PM

It turns out that he had a regular certificate of fitness for competitive sport. Sudden dizziness, blurry vision, the request for help from his companions, the rush to the hospital in Arezzo and then death in the emergency room. These are the last dramatic moments in the life of a 16-year-old footballer, Mouhssine Oussama, struck down Thursday evening by an illness while training on the sports field of the Arno Laterina, the team for which he played. (HANDLE)

Sudden dizziness, blurry vision, the request for help from his companions, the rush to the hospital in Arezzo and then death in the emergency room.

These are the last dramatic moments in the life of a 16-year-old footballer, Mouhssine Oussama, struck down Thursday evening by an illness while training on the sports field of the Arno Laterina, the team for which he played.

"Mouhssine, my son, was a serene boy, well liked by everyone. He attended the Isis of San Giovanni Valdarno with profit. On 7 October he had his fitness check to play football and everything was fine. He had never had no health problems. His dream was to become a footballer," explains his father Abdel, a Moroccan citizen, through tears.

"I came here to the stadium to talk to the coach and understand what happened",

the man added.

In Arezzo, "at the hospital, they told us that the cause would have been sudden cardiac arrest," he added.

Mouhssine Oussama lived with his parents and three siblings in Levanella di Montevarchi, in the middle of the Arezzo Valdarno, a valley that the 16-year-old, between school in San Giovanni and training sessions and matches with the Laterina team, traveled several times a week, racking up kilometers and kilometers from one country to another.

He also did it on Thursday.

Then, taking the field, around 18.30 he felt ill.

His coach, Giovanni Guerrini, formerly of Fiorentina and Sampdoria, and his teammates saw him stop, understood the seriousness of the situation and called an ambulance.

Everyone present at the sports field, a facility near the Arno, took action.

The boy was rescued by 118 and rushed to Arezzo.

During the journey, his conditions worsened until he died in hospital.

The family was notified right away and rushed to town.

Training has been stopped.

Now there is dismay even among the inhabitants of the Valdarno.

The Municipality of Laterina Pergine expressed its "sincere condolences to the family, to the Arno Castiglione Laterina club, to all the young players for the sudden loss of their dear teammate", "a tragedy took place in our stadium which shook the whole the community. When a son passes away, such a young boy, a passionate sportsman, one is truly helpless and incredulous".

It turns out that the 16-year-old had a regular certificate of fitness for competitive sport.

According to investigations at the moment the causes of death are natural.

The judicial authority has been informed.