The Limited Times

Aubervilliers in Reunion before the Coupe de France: "I didn't do 9,000 km to shame myself"

11/19/2022, 5:06:09 PM

Aubervilliers (N3) is playing its 8th round of the Coupe de France this Sunday (noon, metropolitan time) against the Reunionese of Tamponnaise. Same

After twenty minutes of climbing on a dirt path surrounded by rocks, the players and the staff of Aubervilliers finally reach their goal this Friday morning November 18.

The temperature has dropped a few degrees and before their eyes, the decor is exceptional.

They discover the Cormoran basin, fed by a waterfall in the course of the Saint-Gilles ravine.

“It was a great team outing, we made the most of it,” admits captain Nouha Camara.

"We really had a great morning, they were able to take cold water baths, we don't regret it", supports coach Rachid Youcef.

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