The Limited Times

FIFA President in an aggressive speech against the criticism: "I feel Arab, gay and disabled" | Israel Hayom

11/19/2022, 9:30:08 AM

A few days before the opening game of the World Cup in Qatar and after the harsh criticism received by the organization in which he stands for the decision not to allow the sale of beer in the stadiums during the World Cup, Gianni Infantino held a press conference in which he shot in all directions: "Europe cannot teach Qatar a lesson in morality considering its actions in the thousand the last years"

Ever since FIFA chose Qatar as the host of the 2022 World Cup, it has received endless harsh criticism. The host's treatment of the workers who built the stadiums, the treatment of women, the LGBT community, and more have led journalists, people from all over the world, and the athletes themselves to wonder why Qatar was chosen to receive the The luxury hospitality.

At the same time as the film that aired on Netflix and talks about the corruption in the organization during the time of the previous president - Sepp Blatter and against the background of the harsh criticisms of FIFA and Qatar's decision not to allow the sale of beer in stadiums, the current president of FIFA - Gianni Infantino - convened a meeting in which he talked about all The burning issues, it's a day before the opening match between Qatar and Akdewar.

FIFA President Gianni Infantino at a news conference in Doha: "Today I feel Qatari.

Today I feel Arab.

Today I feel African.

Today I feel gay.

Today I feel disabled.

Today I feel a migrant worker”

— Dan Roan (@danroan) November 19, 2022

Infantino was very firm and said at the beginning of his speech: "I have been quiet in recent months, but now I think it is important to meet with the media and talk about all the burning issues that are on the table.

Today I have strong feelings, I feel Qatari, I feel Arab, I feel African, I feel gay, disabled, a foreign worker - and I feel all this because I heard and saw that I don't read everything.

I want to tell a personal story, because I am the son of foreign workers, my parents worked very hard under strict conditions in Switzerland and I remember it well.

I'm not talking about apartheid, but remember well where and how the foreign workers lived and lived, remember what happened to their passports there.

When I arrived in Doha, I went to see the workers' quarters and said that the conditions are not good and must be changed, as Switzerland has done in the past.

"Like Switzerland, Qatar has also improved and changed.

I'm not all that I mentioned before, and not really a foreign worker, but I know what it's like to feel discriminated against.

I was bullied because I was Italian and didn't speak German well.

what did I do?

I tried to make new friends and didn't blame anyone for the situation, which is what we have to do.

I have feelings for all FIFA employees, they are all here because they want to be part of the best football event.

I am proud to have the FIFA emblem on my jacket.

It will be a great World Cup and we want it to look that way.

More than 100,000 people take care of everything related to this and everyone is proud of their work, so I thank them."

Infantino added: "What is sad is that we see a double standard.

Regarding the foreign workers, we have learned some lessons from the West.

I am European and I think that what we have done in the last 3,000 years in the world, that is all we need to apologize for before passing on morals to others.

Six years ago I spoke about the workers here and acted on the issue, how many of the European companies did the same and acted on the issue?

Not even once.

Only FIFA.

Lots of government representatives come to Qatar, it is a country that can defend itself.

I defend football.

Qatar has gas and everyone comes here because they want something."


An accusing finger for double standards, photo: Reuters

"Who takes care of the workers?

FIFA, Qatar and football.

400 journalists are here, two days ago I was here at an event for the disabled, but only four journalists were there.

No one cares, but the foreign workers are suffering and the gay community is suffering, and we should care about everyone who is suffering.

I read a study that said that because of Europe's immigration policy, 25,000 workers died in eight years.

Why didn't they ask for compensation for the families of these workers?

Where are we going with our ways of working?

If we look back at the immigration issues and there are indeed people who want to work abroad, Qatar offers them an opportunity.

They earn here 10 times what they would get in their country of origin.

It helps them and their family survive legally."

The president of the most powerful organization in world football also said: "In Europe, borders are closed and foreign workers are not allowed to work legally.

Those who reach Europe did so on a difficult journey and only a few survive.

If Europe cared, it could create a legal framework for them to make a living like in Qatar and give them work, a future and hope.

That doesn't mean we shouldn't criticize.

But one-sided moral preaching is hypocrisy, gentlemen."

"Why don't you mention the improvement in the conditions of foreign workers in Qatar since 2016?

It is difficult for the laborer who comes here to return home, but he earns quite a bit of money for it.

Of course we must help these people and invest in them and their education, but changes take time, everywhere and in every society.

In Europe it took centuries.

The way to improve the situation is through dialogue, not by determining punishments and sanctions.

What is happening here is not right," he concluded.

Finally, he added: "I am proud that I had discussions with the government in Qatar on the subject of foreign labor.

There is hope that an ILO center will be established for the foreign workers and they will be able to ask for help there.

This is a major undertaking by the Qatari government.

Beyond that, there is a legal compensation scheme for workers in Qatar and a special compensation fund that has paid more than $350 million in compensation since 2018.

If in the last four years this was the amount, then in the next four years nothing will change, so another 350 million dollars will be paid and the western companies operating here will also have to pay within this outline.

"If there was a worker who did not receive compensation in the past, he can go to the Ministry of Labor and Welfare and get what he deserves.

FIFA has a special fund for the World Cup and its legacy, so anyone who wants to invest in it can do so, with the money going first to children's education so that we have a better future.

I thank the Qatari authorities who made this possible.

Together with the ILO, we will establish a joint headquarters and an organized plan, based on what happened in Qatar, and we will share our conclusions from that."

On the attitude towards the gay community he said: "Everyone is welcome here.

Anyone can come to Qatar and will be welcomed, regardless of their nationality, religion, race and sexual orientation.

It is true that there is a prison sentence for same-sex relations, but that was also the case in Switzerland when it hosted the World Cup.

So will we attack the Qataris for this?

This is a process.

Each person will give a different opinion and a different answer regarding this, including my late father and my children."

On Israel: "We want to remain an international organization that unites the world.

This tournament will light up the eyes of the world.

We all have different histories and different customs, but if something is unjust and incorrect - it is important that you say so and suggest how to improve it.

When the Taliban took over Afghanistan and the United States left, we looked at how we could help.

I contacted the Qatari Foreign Ministry who responded immediately and thanks to him we rescued 160 women and children from there.

We wanted countries to accept them, but all the countries closed the door to them except Albania.

There are still 400 football players from Afghanistan who still have nowhere to go.

For the first time, hundreds of Palestinians and Israelis will fly together on the same plane, from Tel Aviv to Doha, thanks to our help.

Why don't you talk about it?"

On the ban on the sale of alcohol in stadiums: "Every decision taken at the World Cup was made jointly between Qatar and FIFA.

There are many places for fans, where they can drink alcohol.

If you don't drink beer for three hours - you will survive, I promise you.

In other European countries it is also forbidden to drink beer in the courts.

We tried until the last minute to check if it was possible, but because there are four games a day in a relatively small area, we decided to only allow it in the fans' areas around the city.

Budweiser will continue to sponsor FIFA until 2026 and they were our partners even in difficult times, I thank them for their help.

I was told that the sponsors would leave us and that the fans would not come to Qatar, but the broadcasting rights were sold at a higher price and we earned more from the sponsors and the tickets as well.

We will gain a lot from the current tournament."

were we wrong

We will fix it!

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