The Limited Times

Gang kidnaps and beats elderly people at home, they were looking for their son

11/19/2022, 6:41:59 PM

Terror at dinner time in an isolated house in Lamporecchio (Pistoia) where a commando of three hooded men broke in, assaulting, beating and threatening the elderly owner couple, around 75 years old, and the man's ninety-year-old mother. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - LAMPORECCHIO (PISTOIA), NOVEMBER 19 - Terror at dinner time in an isolated house in Lamporecchio (Pistoia) where a commando of three hooded men broke in, assaulting, beating and threatening the elderly couple, the owners, around 75 years old, and the man's ninety-year-old mother.

   The story dates back to last Thursday and according to reconstructions it seems that the attackers were looking for the couple's son to obtain the repayment of a credit but he was absent.

   The police are investigating.

The house is in the countryside towards CerretoGuidi (Florence).

The attackers were looking for money and asked where the son was by terrorizing the family, both the parents and the over-90-year-old woman who is the grandmother of the man they were looking for.

The bandits also wore gloves to leave no traces.

They would have hit the elderly, especially the father who was slapped.

    The son of the two lives in the area, but not in the same house targeted by the gang.

The hooded men rummaged in the rooms believing he was hiding, then they left with nothing, they were only looking for him.

"The episode is worrying - says the mayor of Lamporecchio, Alessio Torrigiani - The family that suffered this despicable action is known in Lamporecchio, a town that is certainly not used to such events. The mayor hopes that "the forces of order will be able to identify the responsible". Research is also carried out in the Empoli area, not only in the Val di Nievole or on the hills towards Pistoia, going beyond San Baronto.

    The cameras pointed at the roads are being examined and, given the evening time, we hope for witnesses who may have noticed a suspicious car driving away with the criminals on board.

The gang stayed in the house for about an hour, then she fled by car.

   Victims thought they could distinguish a strong Eastern European accent in the assailants' speech.