The Limited Times

Train: ICE staff pulls the emergency brake because of a pickpocket

11/19/2022, 5:23:52 PM

He was caught in the act - and then wanted to flee through a train window: because of a young thief, the journey of 500 ICE passengers near Hanover received an unscheduled stop.

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ICE near Northeim

Photo: Martin Wagner / IMAGO

A fleeing pickpocket forced the crew of an ICE to make an emergency stop shortly before Hanover.

According to the federal police, the train crew received evidence of theft on the journey from Koblenz to Hanover.

The railway employees were able to observe a 16-year-old in another theft and tried to lock him in a wagon.

The teenager is said to have tried to smash a window with an emergency hammer in order to jump off the train.

In order not to endanger the life of the young person - the train was traveling at a speed of around 160 kilometers per hour - the train attendants initiated an emergency stop.

The train with around 500 passengers came to a standstill near Wunstorf.

The alleged thief jumped out of a door, injuring himself.

Several police officers were on board and pursued him after the stop on the open road.

During the arrest, the youth resisted and injured an officer in the head.

She came to the hospital.

The train was able to continue its journey to Hanover at a slow pace.

The officials assume, among other things, that five wallets, a laptop and a smartphone were stolen.

The alleged perpetrator is now threatened with criminal charges for theft, bodily harm and dangerous intervention in rail traffic.
