The Limited Times

Where are the chelas... and the dogs?

11/19/2022, 11:00:15 AM

Beer not only affects the 'modus vivendi' of the average fan but also the pockets of FIFA, which could face a million-dollar lawsuit from Budweiser

A man serves a beer in Doha, Qatar, this Friday. NEIL HALL (EFE)

Tremendous commotion was generated this Friday, because after 12 years of negotiations on issues of human rights, freedoms and... beer consumption, the highest body of world soccer had to give in and, just two days after the start of the Cup in Qatar, announced that after "discussions between the country's authorities and FIFA, the decision has been made to concentrate all the sale of alcoholic beverages (exclusively) at the FIFA Fan Festival."

La chela [la cerveza] not only affects the

modus vivendi

of the average aficionado, but also the pockets of the pambolero organization, led by Gianni Infantino, who could face a million-dollar lawsuit from Budweiser, which paid approximately 75 million dollars, not only for copyright image in the competition but to be allowed to sell their products.

The contract, by the way, grants him exclusivity of sales, but also requires the company of Czech origin to provide large quantities of beer, for FIFA members and guests.

unexpected achievement

By the way, last night, after so much conversation about it, my colleague Lalo López (from AS México) achieved the unexpected… he was able to buy a beer, with alcohol and at a moderate price.

The funniest thing is that he got it on the

roof garden

of the Main Media Center in Education City.

As you read it, a few steps from the workplace of hundreds of sports journalists who will be able to have the liquid fight at "low" cost, since in the black market in the city a glass of beer has reached 200 riyals, about 1,000 Mexican pesos.

In Doha, the cat beats the dog

Tomorrow I will ask more about it, but in the three days that I have in Doha, I have seen more cats than dogs in the street, markets and restaurants.

Well, actually I haven't seen a single dog.

I read that Muhammad loved all the animals in creation, but particularly had a deep affection for cats.

I said to myself: "Surely it must be some kind of animal protected by religion, but the young woman who served us at lunch told me that there really are many more than usual after the pandemic, since many people abandoned them and in restaurants they are useful, since they help them to eliminate annoying rodents”.

We will continue to investigate.

I like cats, but I'm

team dog.

What's up, where do they hide them?

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