The Limited Times

Zelensky, 'we will restore electricity supplies'

11/19/2022, 11:03:17 AM

"Throughout the day, the staff has been working to restore the normal technical possibility of the electricity supply, as a result there are already much fewer emergency blackouts": Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in ... (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ROME, NOVEMBER 19 - "Throughout the day, the staff worked to restore the normal technical possibility of supplying electricity, as a result there are already much fewer emergency blackouts": Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in his message evening on Telegram.

    "Starting from the evening, in most of the regions where the electricity shortage persists, the stabilization schedules were in effect, especially in Odessa and Kiev" - he said -.

"The difficult energy supply situation persists in a total of 17 regions and in the capital city, in the Kiev region and in Kiev. It is very difficult in the Odessa region, and also in the Vinnytsia region and Ternopil region."

    In Kherson, special "Points of invincibility" have been opened, for now two but will increase, where the population will be able, during the work to restore supplies, "recharge their phones, stay warm, drink tea and get help", also thanks to Starlinks which ensure communications.

    "We know it is very difficult for people, because the occupiers destroyed everything before fleeing. But we will connect everything, we will restore everything", concluded the president.