The Limited Times

France-Japan (35-17): the Blues win without brilliance and end the year undefeated

11/20/2022, 3:12:45 PM

The XV of France won without shining against the Japanese (35-17) this Sunday afternoon in Toulouse, during the third and last match of

An appetizer as a dessert is always good to take.

We lick our chops in advance and we do not risk indigestion.

Well, it often lacks consistency, but after all, in this oval world governed by numbers and the rejection of the slightest risk, a smoothness without a hitch or roughness, you can't refuse.

The Blues therefore rather strolled (35-17) this Sunday in Toulouse, in a packed Stadium, facing the Japanese who seem to be in decline since the World Cup they organized in 2019. Still as naive and approximate , Japanese players are now abandoned by the sacred fire that once carried them.

The XV of France took the opportunity to sign a 13th success in a row, a record for him, and to end the calendar year undefeated.

This is a first in the post-war period, and it situates quite well the solidity of this team ten months before the start of its World Cup (September 8-October 28, 2023) of which it will, of course, be the favorite.

All signals are currently green.

This fall, she won without being brilliant.

She has not mastered her game or the course of her matches but she has emerged victorious each time.

The Australians (30-29) and the South Africans (30-26), beaten on the wire during the first two meetings of the tour, were able to measure the aggressiveness which drives her when she feels in danger.

The Habs did not need this extra soul this Sunday afternoon a bit wet in Toulouse.

Without their best player in the world and captain, Antoine Dupont, suspended for a dangerous tackle last week against the Springboks, they have shown that they know how to strictly respect the recipes imposed by their staff.

They have even become masters in the art of this percentage kitchen where you attack only in certain areas, at very specific times, to recover balls left on the way by the opponent preferably to avoid the risk constituted by a defense in place.

Jalibert decisive when he comes into play

Of course, we almost dozed off at times, but that's part of modern rugby.

The Irish, currently world number one, had not been more exciting against Australia the day before (13-10 victory) and the All Blacks once again showed serious air pockets against a poor team from England , only deciding to play her hopeless cause once (25-25).

We will therefore be satisfied with the offensive inclinations of Thomas Ramos, the only one to come out of binding patterns from time to time.

The rear of the Blues and Stade Toulouse, playing at home, even showed the way by initiating a movement concluded by the first try of Damian Penaud (7th).

He was followed only too rarely in this match which seemed to be completed after the try of captain Charles Ollivon, served by his childhood friend, the scrum half, Maxime Lucu, escaping along the line after a button (36th).

At 21-3 at the break, the case was heard.

The Blues then let their opponents come, but they also loosened their grip, conceding two tries on defensive wanderings (42nd, 63rd).

Without the entry into play of Matthieu Jalibert to replace Romain Ntamack (57th), they could have experienced some fears.

The inspirations and the punch of the Bordeaux opener finally allowed them to take shelter for good.

His little kick to follow for himself, which leads to the test of Anthony Jelonch (73rd), is a model of its kind.

There is so much talent in his Tricolores.

It's a pity that it is enclosed in a framework that is sometimes a little too rigid.