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"Don't dream so much": Söder shoots controversial video in the Allianz Arena - and comments on the World Cup in Qatar

11/21/2022, 12:19:05 PM

"Don't dream so much": Söder shoots controversial video in the Allianz Arena - and comments on the World Cup in Qatar Created: 11/21/2022 13:04 By: Felix Herz In the Allianz Arena, the home of FC Bayern Munich, Markus Söder recorded a video of the World Cup in Qatar (symbol image). © Sven Simon / IMAGO Matching the opening game of the World Cup in Qatar, Markus Söder published a video on Twitt

"Don't dream so much": Söder shoots controversial video in the Allianz Arena - and comments on the World Cup in Qatar

Created: 11/21/2022 13:04

By: Felix Herz

In the Allianz Arena, the home of FC Bayern Munich, Markus Söder recorded a video of the World Cup in Qatar (symbol image).

© Sven Simon / IMAGO

Matching the opening game of the World Cup in Qatar, Markus Söder published a video on Twitter.

In it he commented on the controversial tournament.

Munich – The soccer World Cup in Qatar started on Sunday, November 20th, with meaningful words and an extensively staged show.

Because of the dramatic working conditions for the guest workers, many of whom died building the stadiums, the tricky human rights situation and the obvious corruption in the awarding of the World Cup, it is a highly controversial tournament in the desert state.

In a video published on Twitter, Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder also commented on the subject.

Söder on the World Cup in Qatar: "It was a mistake"

Also on Sunday, Söder published the video on Twitter about the World Cup in Qatar.

The Bavarian Prime Minister greets the viewers of the clip from the Allianz Arena in Munich, where “usually half of the German national team plays”.

Because FC Bayern is the core of the national team.

Then it's about the World Cup itself.

“I know there are many questions as to whether this World Cup should have been awarded to Qatar.

It was a mistake to put her there.

I'm firmly convinced of that," said Söder in his video statement.

He understands that one or the other is skeptical, maybe not watching the tournament at all.

Then comes the but: You can't blame the football players.

Therefore, according to Söder, "we" criticize the award to Qatar, but he keeps his fingers crossed for the German national football team.

He would be particularly happy if the Bavarian players are successful and you get very far, maybe there is more to it than one or the other thinks, so Söder.

At the end of the video, Söder indirectly comments on the general arguments of those who defend the award to or partnerships with Qatar: "Perhaps a World Cup will actually change the living conditions in Qatar."

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Some violent reactions to Söder's Twitter video from the Allianz Arena

However, many users on Twitter reacted to the Prime Minister's video with mockery, malice and anger.

For example, some pointed to the double standard of criticizing the award to Qatar while standing in the Allianz Arena, home of FC Bayern Munich, who are known to fly to Qatar year after year to hold their winter training camp there and " Qatar Airways" as a sponsor on the sleeve.

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"On the one hand, on the other hand … how do I say it so that I please everyone?" asked another user, alluding to the tactic that Söder is often accused of always saying what most people like.

At Söder's hope at the end of the video that something would improve in the desert state by being awarded to Qatar, a user said: "Mr. Söder, don't dream so much, it's not good for you."

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Other Twitter users used the comment column to vent their anger at Söder's state politics.

In some cases, users also made fun of Söder's highlighting of the Bavarian players.

At least one thing seems clear: The discussions about the Qatar World Cup will not go away anytime soon.


All news and stories from Bavaria can now also be found on our brand new Facebook page Merkur Bayern.

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