The Limited Times

"Saving food and reducing as much as possible - in the end we will collapse" | Israel today

11/21/2022, 7:00:40 PM

Many families do not make it through the month - and the increase in interest rates is another layer that only increases the anxiety • The Dornbush family of Hod Hasharon: "A visit to the supermarket to buy milk and eggs and you leave with a bill of NIS 400"

The pocket is torn, and so is the heart: like hundreds of thousands of families groaning under the ceaseless wave of rising prices, so are Einav and Dodi Dornbush, parents of three children from Hod Hasharon.

Einav is an agent at an insurance company, and my uncle is a computer expert.

Einav says: "We took out a mortgage about two years ago after recycling a mortgage. Since we took it out, the mortgage has been going up all the time - there was an increase of NIS 400 in two years.

The Durnbush family, photo: the family

"The mortgage is a heavy expense, and it is added to the expenses for the children. We have two daughters in high school and one child in elementary school. This means that there are payments for school, for classes, and in general for living. It is very burdensome and tough. It is also something that I cannot do anything about It's not like I can pay back the mortgage, I have to pay it.

"The meaning is that it comes at the expense of entertainment and vacations that we will have to cut back on. It's not that salaries are going up. You go to the supermarket to buy milk and eggs and you leave with a bill of NIS 400. The cost of living is crazy, nobody is an oligarch here.

"The meaning of price increases is a cut in other things. I try to go to the cheaper supermarkets and look for cheaper food to reduce expenses as much as I can, because spending on food is crazy."

Having trouble managing a household

Even for Mia Gershoni, 35 years old, a pharmacist and a single mother in advance, the ability to finish the month has become an almost impossible task.

"I took out a mortgage last May for NIS 4,000 and since then it has increased to about NIS 4,600," she says painfully.

"It has been very difficult for me since the interest rate in the economy went up, and it makes it very difficult to manage. I did not expect it to happen all at once. If the interest rate continues to rise, it will be much more difficult for me to manage a household. I have an eight-year-old child, and that means that there are many expenses that do not stop for a moment .

"I have thoughts that I will not be able to meet these costs if the mortgage continues to rise. If I cannot meet this, I will have to find solutions such as renting the apartment and finding a cheaper solution.

"The government does not care about the citizen, and the citizen should be held accountable for the economic mistakes. The ordinary working citizen is at the bottom of the list of priorities."

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