The Limited Times

Darmanin receives Simeoni and around forty Corsican elected officials Tuesday in Beauvau

11/21/2022, 10:01:01 PM

Gérald Darmanin will receive Tuesday noon at the Ministry of the Interior the president of the Corsican executive Gilles Simeoni then about forty parliamentarians...

Gérald Darmanin will receive on Tuesday noon at the Ministry of the Interior the president of the Corsican executive Gilles Simeoni then around forty parliamentarians and mayors from the island of Beauty, as part of the mayors' fair, AFP learned on Monday from of his surroundings.

"This is an informal meeting, not a political one"

, insists the same source, a month and a half after the postponement of a visit by the Minister of the Interior to Corsica as part of a cycle consultations on the future of the island.

"Strong act"

Gérald Darmanin was to discuss the issue of waste and energy at the beginning of October, in the presence of the Minister for Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion Christophe Béchu, before giving up on it for lack of conditions for

“a serene debate”.

A few days earlier, the elected members of the Assembly of Corsica had expressed their


after the rejection by the Paris Court of Appeal of yet another request for semi-freedom from Pierre Alessandri, 64, sentenced to life imprisonment in 2003 for the assassination of the prefect of Corsica Claude Erignac and releasable since 2017.

At the end of October, around fifty activists from associations for the defense of prisoners, according to them as


, invaded the hemicycle of the Assembly of Corsica to demand the vote of a motion asking the State for a

"strong act"

concerning these detained.

The interior minister, who pledged in March to discuss the island's future until potential autonomy, set up a strategic committee in July, four months after the deadly attack in prison of the Corsican independence activist Yvan Colonna, another member of the Erignac commando sentenced to life imprisonment, who had sparked violent demonstrations on the island.

This consultation cycle must be spread over a year, with one meeting every six weeks.