The Limited Times

Pas-de-Calais: a tax inspector killed at a second-hand goods dealer who committed suicide

11/21/2022, 10:00:55 PM

The official was killed by several stab wounds after being kidnapped with a colleague at a second-hand goods dealer in Bullecourt, in Pas-de-Calais.

A tax auditor was stabbed to death on Monday, announced the Minister Delegate for Public Accounts, Gabriel Attal.

He had first been sequestered with a colleague at a second-hand goods dealer in Bullecourt (Pas-de-Calais), who committed suicide, AFP learned on Tuesday from two sources close to the investigation.

This junk dealer

“was visited by a tax inspector”,


“sequestered him at his home”

, explained a first source.

An injured inspector

The inspector is



"the second-hand dealer committed suicide"

, she added, specifying that the gendarmerie had been warned

"by a witness".

“When the gendarmes arrived, the two men were dead

,” she said.

According to a second source, the inspector was killed

"by several stab wounds".

“This man was simply doing his job... Today he didn't come back.

He was killed as part of this tax audit,”

said Gabriel Attal during an intervention in the Senate, followed by a minute of silence, evoking

“an unspeakable drama”.

"A woman, tax inspector"

, was also found,

"tied to a chair and deeply shocked"

, added this source.

The research section of the Hauts-de-France gendarmerie was seized.

Called around 7:00 p.m., the firefighters confirmed at the start of the evening

“two deceased in Bullecourt and one injured, about to be transported”

, specifying that the intervention was

“still in progress”.